Arianna's Wicca Ritual Tools
This is a list of tools that I personally use in rituals.
Athame- ritual double-edged knife, can
be marked with pentagram or other
wiccan symbols, this knife will never
be used to cut anything, it is used to
cast the circle and cleanse the water
and the salt.
Bolline- single-edged knife used to
cut plants or etch symbols into candles
for rituals and spells.
Wand- a stick decorated with Goddess
symbols (crescents, moons, etc.), I
personally use a small limb from a tree
that I peeled the bark from and painted
gold and burned Goddess symbols into it
with a wood burning tool but make to
your own taste.
Cauldron- simply what it says a
cauldron or metal bowl to burn items in
for spells or to put water in for
scrying of rituals, should be
heat-proof or set on something
heatproof, I personally use a small
brass one but use what you like.
Book of Shadows- this is the book that
you use to write down rituals, spells,
wicca information, etc.; it can be a
3-ring binder covered in cloth(this is
what I use) or any cloth bound book
decorated on the front with wicca
symbol, your magickal name, or anything
else you want.
Pentacle- this is a plate-like dish
with a pentagram drawn or painted on
it, you will need this one when you
ritually cleanse and consecrate your
ritual tools, it is used often in
rituals and spells.
Water Bowl- this is a small bowl or
container for water to be used during
Asperger- this is a container that you
can use to sprinkle water around the
circle when you are casting your
Salt Bowl- this is a small bowl or
container to hold the salt that you use
in casting the circle and rituals.
Chalice- this is a wine glass or glass
of some kind that you use in rituals,
it will be used in all rituals during
the Simple Feast part of a ritual.
Bell- some like to use a bell to ring
in the quarters, I personally don't use
it very often but I do have one.
Broom- I use a small corn-stalk type
decorator broom but you can use any
wooden type, this is used to sweep away
the negativity and psychic clutter in
your worship area before you begin
Altar- this can be any kind of small
table, a round wooden one is the
preferable but use anything that you
can setup your tools on to perform
rituals, I like to cover it with a
black cloth and decorate it with things
that represent the particular season or
Lamps of Art- these are the two
candles used to represent the Goddess
and the God; some the candle colors you
can use are Goddess: white, silver and
God: red, gold; there are other
appropriate colors so you might want to
do some research on them.
Pen of Arts- this is the pen that you
will use to write in the Book of
Shadows, I personally use a feather
quill pen but you can use anything but
it should be set aside to use only in
wiccan practice.
Goddess and God Statues- these are
representations of some aspect of the
Deities, I use an owl-wisdom and an
eagle-strength but you can use any
appropriate kind ( I thought I should
point out that you are not worshipping
the statues, they are merely to
represent). it is not necessary to have
this one so use it if you wish.
Quarter's Candles- these are the
candles that you will use to mark the 4
quarters (North-earth, East-air,
South-fire, West-water), these are the
colors that I use for them
(North-green, East-yellow, South-red,
West-blue), I've found that votive type
candles seem to work best for this one
because the longer ones are easy to
knock over when you are going around
the circle.
Red Candle- this is a red candle that
you use on the altar during rituals and
Censer- this is an incense dish used
during rituals, it needs to be
something that you can carry with you
around the circle, it uses the
herb-kind of incense, you will also
need quick-light charcoal blocks to put
in the dish to burn the incense.
Stick and Cone incense holders- I
personally like to use a couple of
other stick or cone incenses to set the
mood in the worship area but this one
isn't necessary.
Libation Dish- this is a dish to place
offerings to the Deities(this is things
like nuts, seeds, crystals, herbs, etc
but not animals; I don't know any wicca
who do any kind of animal sacrifices
but probably are some who do. Wicca
teaches us to do no harm to any living
creature, so it is best to not involve
yourself in such harmful practices.),
this can be of any design that you
Matches and Cup for used Matches- you will need matches for lighting the incense and candles and it is safer to have some kind of heat-proof dish or cup to put the used ones in.
Musical Instuments- this one is not
necessary but I like to use them in
setting the mood for worship, I
personally use a wooden flute and an
Indian drum but you can use anything
you like.
Thank you for visiting this page!
There are many other things that can be used in rituals. You might want to have any divination tool that you are going to use on your altar or in your worship space. What I have listed here will at least help you to get started. Blessings to you and if you want to go to the next page, just click on the link at the bottom.