Hey , here are some sites I found on the internet . Some of them are reviewed , I haven't got time to actually review all of them so check out what I already have .

The Ash Experience
Really cool page with great reviews on their videos , updated news , lyrics and interviews .. It was a pity that there wasn't a page about the band but still , I love the logo the most !

Actually I think this page is where the whole ASH ring thingy started , and I kinda like the page . The layout is okay .. It has information you need , and the chatroom is just a bonus .

Planet Ash
This page is cool .. but they like , have the icons clustered in the middle so it's hard to see .. it should have a frame or something (yes, I know that I don't) It should be new I think .. Some pages are not done yet .

Ash Traders Page
Well , there's nothing much here .. it's like no one wants to trade ASH stuff or something but now that you know , go post something there !

Angel Interceptor's castle
I am really proud of this page coz it's done by a fellow Asian , Sarah ! It's cool , but not much info . It's just really COOL !

Enveloped Heart-Chad's Ash Page: This page looks new .. I'm not sure if it is .. but anyway , kinda cool .

Official Ash Page: This page is of course the best coz it's the official one .. it's also the one with the latest updates and stuff ..l .