Here is a short article on David from RW Seattle, from the June 2 edition ofThe Boston Herald.

"Real World" guy David Burns, who survived nearly five months in swish Seattle digs with six other Gen-Xers, checked in yesterday with his take on "Survivor," CBS-TV's stab at reality programming.
"It was totally predictable," said the Charlestown homey, who was packing for an indie film shoot in Iowa.
"And let's face it, there's nothing attractive about it."
This from a guy who wasn't stranded on a desert island, but lived in a $1 million waterfront loft with a pool table, exercise equipment and an endless supply of waterproof matches for the fireplace.
"It is amazing, though, how people play to the camera," said the MTV personality.
"But it was amazing to me that they've got 120 hours of you acting normal and the two minutes that you screw up, that's when they get you and start building a storyline around it."
Like when David, who ended up heaving fish at the Pike Place Market, was crying over some chick or getting into a brawl outside a Seattle bar.
"But I got a kick out of it," he said. "It made me more resilient."
Oh, that's worth more than $1 million!

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