The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Info on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (pics , story , etc...)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Info on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (pics , story , etc...)
Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3
Info on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 (pics , story , etc...)
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Info on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4 (pics , story , etc...)
Meet the Leatheface
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Ed Gein
How is Ed Gein related to Texas Chainsaw Massacre

After hearing of a grave robbery in a neightboring Texas town, Sally,her invalid brother Franklin,friends Pam and Kirk,and her boyfriend Jerry,head to the cemetery in which Sally's grandfather is buried,in fear that his grave was robbed.When they got to the grave they saw that everything is all right and the grave haven't been touched.After that they decide to go and see their grandparent's old house which Sally and Franklin remember from their childhood. And when they got to the old,run down house,one by one Sally's friends disappear into the dark of the night.And before you know what is going to happen to you next,is the buzz of chainsaw.

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