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How do I want biking to go?

I would like biking to get smaller agian and for all the poser wana be bikers to quit and the real hardcore riders to get good and become pro. Read below for more.

I either want biking to get real small agian and for the real hardcore riders to only ride. I hate the posers who start biking cause the can't skate or in-line. Or i would like biking to get HUGE and for everyone to get good so there are no posers in the sport. I dont even like to call biking a sport cause i hate jocks and when we call biking a sport it makes us sound like jocks. Biking is more of a passtime to me. I enjoy doing it and i plan on doing till i die. With K2 coming into biking, which is also a Fruit Booter company, it may open new doors to BMX as we know it. Will there be in-line bikes in the near future? I hope not in my lifetime.

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