Our first view of the great and powerful B'Elanna, whom we will come to love in the future. Here she is seen hunched over a console, as we will see her many more times in the future. Look at that hair fly!

And now some beauty shots of the Maquis Raider... ... and the plasma storms... everyone say it with me! Ooooo... aaaaaahhhh...

A few more of B'Elanna... Ain't she pretty?

Where Paris spent most of his time... Obviously doing something important. Look at all those knobs and dials.

Our first view of Janeway... hope there aren't any Tak Tak's in this jail. Oh and look, here's Tom being smug... what a shock.

Tom and Janeway take a nice stroll through the woods... his ankle beeps... Janeway tells Tom she served under his father. Just between you and me, I don't think Tom cares much.

"I'm the best damn pilot you could have!" Tom protests. Look!! It's our first time seeing Tom as attractive. Now hear every teenage girl sigh in unison across the country... *sigh*

Paris, meet Voyager. Paris seems shocked to see her. So shocked, in fact, that he forgets about the Betazed sitting next to him.

Of course, this scene couldn't be complete without the customary beauty shots of Voyager. ... Or Morn's open-mouthed gawk.
Wow, look at the size of that thing!

Our first view of Harry Kim. Mr. Naieve. Paris listens to Quark battle Harry over cufflings...

Starts to look a little concerned for the stranger... ... and finally butts in.

"Didn't they teach you about Ferengi's at the academy?"

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