Backstreet Boys Tell All

What secrets do Kevin, Nick, Brian, Howie, and AJ know about each other?
Read on as they reveal all to Tiger Beat.

Think about how well you know your best friend. She's been with you through
tons of chrushes and flirtations, through history tests and gym class, from
birthday parties to study hall, during chicken pox and wicked breakouts.
There's so much you share, sometimes you don't even have to say a word
for her to understand exactly how you feel. Best friends are the people
we rely on in bad times, celebrate with in good times, and want to have
around all the time.

Now imagine having a best friend live, work, study, play, and being
around 24-7 for five years! Chances are you'll get to know that person so well
that you could write a book about them. Well, that's what life has been like
for the guys of the Backstreet Boys! Since they have came together as a group,
they've soent more time with each other than with their families. They've grown
so close, they can finish each others sentences. So, Tiger Beat couldn't resist
asking Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson, AJ McLean, Howie Dorough, and Brian "B-Rok"
Littrell to reveal all those little secrets about each other we've been dying to know!
Read on for the real deal.

All About Nick!!

NICK...The youngest Backstreet Boy has never been in love.

AJ Sez: "Nick's got a fantastic imagination. He's the comic book (artist).
He actually has a whole Backstreet Boys comic book done and ready. He just
wants to find the time to do it. He also wnats to do a movie."

Brian Sez: "The main thing I remember about Nick when I first met him is how
small he was. He was so energetic and full of life. I was like, 'WOW!' I
was totally bowled over, and then I heard his voice. Man, it was so big for
this little guy."

Nick Sez: "They call me 'Chaos' because I am chaos!"

Howie Sez: "Nick got the title of Chaos because he is very chaotic. You don't
give this kid sugar because he'll bounce off walls. He'll just go hyper and crazy!"

Bustin' Brian!!

BRIAN...This sports maniac hates losing video games competitions to his best bud, Nick.

Nick Sez: "Oh yeah, Brian is sooo cool. I can't think of one bad thing about him,
he's so much fun to be around. I think in a way, I've always looked up to him."

Howie Sez: "Brian has a secret handshake. I'm not trying to learn it but they
won't teach me. I'm not invloved woth the handshake clique."

Kevin Sez: "Brian is a real clown. My best way to wind up Brian is to say, 'Oh,
that's real professional of you! Yeah, nice attitude, that's really good.'
...but Brian keeps me in line."

AJ Sez: "He cries--at least he did when we got our first gold record. Him and Kevin both."

Always AJ!!

AJ...Bone has already broken his 1998 New Year's resolution to stop eating so much McDonald's Quarter Pounders with cheese!

Nick Sez: "We call AJ 'Bone' because he is so skinny."

Brian Sez: "AJ is Mr. Talkative. He's always on the phone to his family in
Flordia. I'd hate to see his phone bill. He'll chat to anyone, and tell you
stories all day long, whether they are true or not."

Kevin Sez: "Sometimes AJ just can't say no, because he doesn't want to upset
anyone. He makes too many promises."

Howie Sez: "AJ can strike up a converssation with anyone."

Cool As Kevin

KEVIN...He never has time for it, but Kevin loves to surf.

Brian Sez: "He is a perfectionist. He's got a lot of positive aspects, but sometimes
he lets his perfectionist side get in the way sometimes, because he wants things to be
too perfect. He knows that he needs to lighten up--sometimes he looks at
people and they think he's going to bite their head off!"

AJ Sez: "His nickname is 'Train' because when he's on automatic pilot he'll
knock you over. Like when he's playing basketball, he'll trample all over you!"

Nick Sez: "Kevin is very unaware of things, he'll just run into a wall or he'll run into you."

Howie Sez: "He's mature, responsible, professional, and knows what he wants,
but sometimes he doesn't know the most successful way to achieve it. He's the
authorative one. You need someone like that, who has leadership qualities, to get
the guys together. Sometimes, we'll get together and talk to the other guys
beacause he doesn't want to come across as the one telling everyone what to do."

Wholly Howie!!

HOWIE...Sweet D. won't get onstage until he's had his usual cup of herbal tea with lots of lemon and honey

AJ Sez: "The easiest way to wind him up is to mess with his hair. Like if he was
a really hot date, I'll walk up behind him and go, 'Hey, Howie!'"

Kevin Sez: "I wish I could always be as thoutghtful as he is about
others. He really has a big heart. His nickname is 'Sweet D.' He can
be very sensitive."

Nick Sez: "Howie has some weird clothes. A long time ago, when we first
started the group, he used to wear tight trousers at the time when
baggy trousers we're in--and now when tight trousers are back in,
he's into baggy trousers. That's Howie!"

Brian Sez: "Howie is Mr. Quiet--the peacemaker of the group.
He's like 'Guys, why can't we get along?'" I got this article out of the June 1998 issue of Tiger Beat

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