The Auction

(where the women ran amok)

Jame Horan acting auctioneer during the bidding for seats at his table for
Breakfast the next day.  I do love a man in black.

Guess Who?
we get to see that great body coming and going
thanks Kathy for getting us great seats AND for having zoom lens

This picture is
of the 3 amigos
with Jazz's
most recent
purchase of the
folding backdrop
they had on stage
during the auction
on the first day.
As usual, AP's
handiwork can
be seen.

left to right
Kathy (Ziggystar)
Barb (BarbWire)
Pam (Jazz)

Jazz purchased this lovely t-shirt produced by Stan with
the top 10 things that Adrian says to himself in the mirror every morning.

The personalization of the shirt by Adrian says
"None of these things are true......well not all of them"

This picture shows both of Jazz's treasures.
The t-shirt and the lovely montage photos of Adrian from Syndicon
(note the moustache and beard) (that is yours truly hiding behind the picture)


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