- We must realize that our genealogical quest will not be complete in one day. After all, it took longer than that to create.
- Not all of our ancestors were public figures and that spending more than a year looking for that ancestor is okay.
- Research means spending alot of time in musty old libraries, courthouses, and trips to visit cemeteries. While others may find this odd behavior, it's okay.
- Trying to explain this facination with dead relatives to others isn't easy. It isn't supposed to be. It's okay.
- Learning that you were related to the scoundrels and villains of a town, instead of the sheriff and the rich men, doesn't make you any less of a person than you were before you started your research. Finding scum in your family is Okay.
- Learning that not all the races in your heridity were from the same land is okay.
- Thinking and beleiving that you can find all of your genealogy on the Internet is NOT okay. It's a myth. Besides, that would take all of the fun out of this addiction.
- Realizing that you may be the ONLY one in the universe researching a specific surname is okay.
- Spending more than six hours a day doing your research is okay.
- Remember: your ancestors were humans. They made mistakes. Love them anyway.
- Having pictures of your ancestors to show others is okay. Not having any of your present family...well....
- Read Diagnosis: Geneaholic's Serenity Prayer.