Class of:

This page has been visited times.

Not exactly overwhelming numbers, but...hey...
this site was just created in late August!

BHS graduates... where are you now?

Did you attend Belmont High School?
Would you like to be listed here, so that your friends can contact you?

Your name, email address, snail mail address, photos, current bio... ANYTHING YOU WANT can be listed here!

This site is for YOU, if you attended Belmont High School!

....and this is a free site. There's no charge to be listed.
Go for it.
Your friends may be looking for YOU!

Add your name, class year,
email address & other info!


(If you don't have your own email address,
you can get one for free at, right now.)

P.S. Have you visited the official Belmont Webpage?
Check it out at

P.P.S. Am I reinventing the wheel?
Here are two other sites listing high school friends:, a new service with free listings,
which lets you register for free, but only members ($15) have access to email addresses.

Oh yeah, this site was created by a BHS alum with nothing better to do one day. This is not a commercial site. I just wonder "whatever happened to..." a bunch of my BHS friends, and I've wished that someone would create a site like this... so I did.

This site has been online for awhile and I'm not certain if I should be disappointed or relieved that I don't have many listings. If you look at this page and say to yourself, "I don't think so," could you let me know why? Really. Is there another, better BHS site, or what? If so, I'll just put up a signpost to it and save myself some time! *grin* Otherwise, please send me some feedback so I'll know what's going on. Thanks!

I'm Eibhlin MacIntosh (formerly Eileen Morey, BHS Class of 1969) and my personal email address is, and I'm living near Wheaton, Illinois where I'm a published author, painter, fabric artist, mother of three great kids, and wife of an "absent-minded professor" who poses as an Industrial Engineer by day. If you were at BHS around 1968-9, you may remember me as the invisible blonde, all knees & elbows, impossibly thin, and lurking in the wings of the Shakespeare Club. You wouldn't recognize me today. Really. When I make time, I'll scan in my BHS yearbook photo plus my current (very scary) passport photo.

So write to me.