Matt   Damon   Information

As promised, here's the Matt Damon info:

Full Name : Matthew Paige Damon

D.O.B.: October 8, 1970

Birthplace : Cambridge, Massachusetts

Zodiac Sign : Libra

Height: 5'11"

Education : Harvard University

 All the Pretty Horses (1999) John Grady Cole
 Planet Ice (1999) (voice) Cale 
 The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) Tom Ripley 
 Training Day (1999)
 Saving Private Ryan (1998) Private James Ryan 
 Dogma (1998) Loki 
 Rounders (1998) Mike McDermott 
 Good Will Hunting (1997)  Will Hunting
 Rainmaker, The (1997) Rudy Baylor  
 Chasing Amy (1997) Exec #2 
 Glory Daze (1996)  Edgar Pudwhacker 
 Courage Under Fire (1996)  Ilario 
 Good Old Boys, The (1995) (TV) Cotton Calloway 
 Geronimo: An American Legend (1993) Lt. Britton Davis 
 School Ties (1992) Charlie Dillon 
 Rising Son (1990) (TV)  Charlie Robinson 
 Good Mother, The (1988) (uncredited) Extra 
 Mystic Pizza (1988)  

Write to Matt at:
Matt Damon
c/o CAA
9830 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA   90212

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