As you begin in your role as a BerneUnionREADS volunteer tutor remember to:

*Sign in using the sheet in our BerneUnionREADS box

*Get your nametag from your envelope

*Take any H.O.T. Strategies to add to your manual

*Look for any Home-School Links for your students' families

*Use any other items provided for your students

*Use book log for each student

*Use Feedback sheet provided if necessary

*Go to your students classroom and let them know you're there

*Have fun!




Strategies for Tutors


The H.O.T. Strategy for the month of November

Setting Indicators
The following indicators illustrate a way to describe
grade-level achievement for readers:

*At the end of kindergarten;
Children should be able to write in a left ro right manner, have a firm grasp of letters and their sounds, and recognize a few simple words.

*By the end of first grade;
Students should be using and integrating phonics and reading strategies as they read, writing simple stories, reading independently, and demonstrating comprehension of stories through drawing, writing, discussion, and dramatization.

*By the end of the second grade;
Students should be reading silently for extended periods and reading orally with appropriate use of punctuation. They should demonstrate that they can gather information by reading, predict how stories will end, and compare and contrast story elements, sequence events, and relate what they read into their lives.

*By the end of the third grade;
Students should be able to select books appropriate to their reading levels and interests, recognize when errors interface with meaning and correct themselves, and exhibit higher order thinking skills in analyzing text.

*By the end of the fourth grade;
Students should be able to read orally with appropriate expression, locate materials appropriate to a topic, use graphic aids to locate and interpret information, and analyze text in a variety of genres.


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