
Keryn was sat on Kayla’s bed. Talking. Kayla was fussing in the bathroom. Keryn, as expected, was gushing about Taylor. "It was so romantic…he raced up the corridor and took me in his arms…It was like a Mill’s and Boon."

Kayla raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

"Really" She replied flopping back onto the bed.

Kayla stood at the doorway brushing her teeth furiously while she watched her dazed friend. It really was quite funny. Keryn lay on the bed, dreaming, well not really, she was living her dream…and they were on a cruise and everything was just perfect.

Keryn heard the hairdryer start.

"Kayla? What are you doing?"

"Drying my hair.."

"I know..but why?"

"Cos it’s wet."

"I know….but why the sudden effort?"

"Just because."

Keryn smiled to herself. Obviously Kayla was doing it to impress Ike. Although she hadn’t said much about the events at the pool. But she hadn’t given her the chance as she had been rabbiting on about Taylor since they had got together.

"Hey Kayla…what did you and Ike do after we left?"

There was a pause, a rather long pause if you asked Keryn.

"Well..we swam a bit, then Ike went back to get some more sun cream….basically we laid about."

"Oh..so nothing …interesting happened."

"No..nothing interesting."

Keryn thought it all sounded a bit odd but dismissed it as she was a bit hyper. She lay on the bed dreaming of Taylor. It had only been a hour since she had seem him and already she missed him, that had never happened before. Keryn was convinced that this time they were for real. The doorbell sounded. Keryn was off the bed in a flash, It might be Taylor. It was. Keryn’s happiness must have been radiating cos Taylor was quick to say,

"Keryn…you really happy to see me or are have you been drinking?"

"What do you think."

They fell into yet another full on embraces…Kayla came out with her hairdryer and told them to shut the door as it was a public place.

"Fine…." Said Taylor cheekily as the two de-tangled themselves.

Keryn and Taylor sprawled out on a bed, they were bickering over what to watch on the TV. Kayla was still fiddling in her room but their noise was driving her to distraction. Tonight she needed peace.

"Look you guys, I really need some quiet….do you mind."

Keryn and Taylor exchanged glances before turning the TV off. Keryn followed Kayla into the bathroom.

"Anything wrong?"

"Nope, nothings wrong" replied Kayla as she combed a knot out of hair.

"You sure?"

Kayla stopped combing.

"Totally sure."

"Okay then."

Keryn studied her friend. She didnt seem to be having out of the norm. Just very, very, itchy. Almost picky. Keryn could hear Taylor fiddling around in the bedroom, typical, she left him alone for a moment and he started going through her stuff. She went to tell him off.


He had one hand in her bedside draw and was looking very guilty.

"I was…..looking for the complimentary Bible…here it is."

He waved the Bible at her. She couldn’t help but laugh. Kayla emerged from the bathroom with a displeased look on her face.

"Okay okay…I’ll take Keryn out then."

Taylor quipped as he clutched her hand and pulled her towards the door. He stuck his tongue out at Kayla on the way. She stuck hers back out at him.

Kayla heard the door click and sighed with relief. She stood looking at her face in the mirror and hated herself. She picked up her comb again and began brushing, brushing so hard it hurt, but she knew she deserved it.

Keryn and Taylor were trotting down the hall arm in arm.

"What’s with her?" Taylor asked.

"I have no idea."

"She has been acting odd for a while..since we arrived actually."

"Ike hasn’t said anything has he?"

"Nope..he is just so happy to see her. He tells me everything is perfect."

"Well then it can’t be anything there can it?"

"Nope..well I dont think so."

They turned a corner and walked into the entertainment wing.

"Oh look Tay, The Faculty is showing."


"We HAVE to see it."

"You only want to see it cos Kayla has been on about that guy in it."

"yeah..but it is suppose to have a hot chick in it."

Taylor’s eyes lit up. Keryn whacked him.

"Just kidding…yeah lets see it."

They walked through the doors, pretty thrilled that they movie was part of the cruise package and no extra charge and settled themselves in the back row.

By now Kayla was adding the final touches to her outfit. She pushed her feet into her shoes. Everything she did, she felt so guilty. She pulled the strap that one notch tighter, so she could feel that pain. She wasn’t making this easy on herself. As she sat on the bed, the silence was deafening. Everywhere she looked in the room all she could see was failure. She had to try. She couldn’t stop now, she had gone to far, the coincidence was so great. She walked to the window. Outside the sea was turbulent. A sign. She turned away. She was all dressed up…two hours early.

Kayla’s mother, Melanie, sat at her dresser in her quiet New York apartment. She tapped her nails against the wood. She was surrounded by bottles of perfume, expensive perfume. Her room was adorned with fine painting, flowers but she felt to empty. Her daughter, who she hadn’t seen in so long, could be anywhere, she didn’t know. She suddenly felt alone, and guilty. She had pushed Kayla away at a young age, she had cramped her style and now, years on she was alone. All the fun, the glamour, the men..they had all gone. Melanie released with a shock that she was old. Through the make up the pain shone through. Kayla’s father was lost, she couldnt tell Kayla. He had gone a few years back, but still Melanie signed her birthday cards from the two of them. Kayla would be 16 in 6 days. Melanie had idea where she was. And it wasn’t as if she could run back to her daughter, needing her after all the rejecting she had given her. Kayla in Melanie’s mind probably didn’t care.

Kayla rolled around on her bed, trying not to mess up her make up, crinkle her dress and trying as hard as she possibly could to watch Dextor’s lab, it was taking more energy than one would suspect. He would be picking her up soon. A smile immediately came to her face. Who couldn’t blame her for being excited. She switched the TV off and went into the bathroom….three short raps on the door were heard. She paused before going into the hall. She ran her hand through her hair before opening the door.


Keryn and Taylor walked out of the movie. Keryn was full on gushing about Josh Harnett while Taylor smiled and tried to tell himself that this was just a phase. They made their way towards the eatery and shock off the idea that the ship was being navigated by aliens. It was hard, but they managed. Grabbing some food they set off to the jazz lounge where people could eat and listen to jazz..they had eaten their every night. And it had become a sorta tradition. They knew that Ike and Kayla would turn up sooner or later.

Kayla stood at the door, her welcome hello ringing in the empty hall. He smiled back at her.

"Hi, Kayla."

Kayla let Dan, the mysterious guy, take her by the hand and lead her down the hall.

chapter thirty~four HOME chapter thirty~six
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