"A Is for Aardvark"

Written by
Earl Barrett

Directed by
Ida Lupino

Airdate: Jan. 14, 1965

Darrin sprains his ankle and is confined to bed with his foot in a cast. Wearying of running up and down stairs on errands for Darrin, Samantha suggests he use her power of witchcraft during the emergency. Endora warns Samantha that she is making a mistake. After his initial wishes are granted, Darrin, as Endora had predicted, becomes drunk with power. After showering Samantha with gifts, Darrin not only decides to use his power to get a larger home, but also tells Larry Tate, that he is retiring so that he and Samantha can take a trip around the world. Samantha's initial plan to stop Darrin by showering him with new luxuries fails. Then Darrin gives Samantha flowers and a wristwatch he has purchased with his own money. From Samantha's happy reac- tion, Darrin realizes these gifts mean more to her than all the others. Samantha happily agrees to his request that she take back his powers of witchcraft.

Guest cast: None.

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