"The Safe and Sane Halloween"
Written by
Ed JuristDirected by
Richard Kinon
Airdate: Oct. 26, 1967
Samantha reads Halloween stories to Tabitha and shows her pictures in the book. When Darrin scolds Samantha, she insists the stories are harmless and Tabitha will go trick or treating like any other child. Upstairs, Tabitha brings the spooks to life and the picture page is blank. Gladys Kravitz prepares to take her nephew Tommy out in a jack o'lantern costume. She tells Abner that Samantha should stay home that night. While Gladys is snooping around, Tommy hears laughter from Tabitha's room. A spook pokes its head out and Tommy dashes out in terror. Later, as Darrin waits for Louise and Larry Tate, Samantha and Tabitha go out. The spooks follow and Samantha thinks they are Tabitha's friends. When they play rude tricks, Tabitha insists it was her friends. Samantha takes her home and is horrified when she sees the blank page. Samantha can't get the spooks back. Tommy changes places with the jack o'lantern. After the spook shoves a cake in a neighbor's face, Gladys rakes him home. Tommy and the other spooks play tricks on Darrin and the Tates. The jack o'lantern scares the wits out of Gladys. She rushes over to the Stephens' where the spooks have changed Tommy into a goat. Samantha finally restores him to normal and makes everyone forget what happened. With a few words, Tabitha gets the spooks back in the book. Darrin and Samantha are relieved when Tabitha settles down with a teddy bear. As soon they leave, a grizzly bear lumbers out of Tabitha's closet.
Guest cast: Monty Margetta as Mrs. Robinson, Jerry Maren as the gremlin, Felix Silla as the goblin, Billy Curtis as the jack o'lantern, Bobby Riha as Tommy, Larry Barton as the man.