"A Good Turn Never Goes Unpunished"
Written by
Bernie KahnDirected by
Ernest Losso
Airdate: March 11, 1972
When Darrin has a problem with an advertising campaign for a prospective mattress manufacturer, Samantha offers some of her creative ideas. Darrin listens but does not accept his wife's suggestions because he believes they were created by witchcraft. Samantha argues that her ideas came strictly from her Earthly mind. Her pleadings fall on deaf ears and she and Darrin stop talking. The day of the presentation arrives and Mr. Benson, the president of the mattress company is shown Darrin's ideas - Mr. Benson turns thumbs down on the project. Larry is able to talk Mr. Benson into returning on another day for a new presentation. Mr. Benson comes up to the office the next day and is shown Samantha's ad campaign. Darrin is sure he will accept it because witchcraft is involved. To Darrin's surprise, Mr. Benson rejects the second attempt at the campaign. Darrin runs home to apologize to Samantha. She accepts the apology and says,"We should not be losing sleep over this." This phrase triggers a new ad-line for Darrin that finally helps sell Mr. Benson on the agency.
Guest cast: J. Edward McKinley as Benson.
NOTE: This was a partial remake of episode #5:"Help, Help, Don't Save Me"