In TV's never-neverland, a baby can't be altogether sure who it's father will be tomorrow, it seems. In ABC's Bewitched, for instance, nose- twitching Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) will inform hubby Darin (Dick York) as the current season ends that she's going to have another baby. Come September the baby will still be on the way but papa Darrin won't look like the same man. And for a good reason: York has quit the series and his role is being taken over - as though nothing happened - by Dick Sargent, a veteran of such situation comedies as Broadside, The Tammy Grimes Show and One Happy Family. Viewers, according to an ABC spokesman, will be expected to assume that Darrin is Darrin, no matter who's playing him.
Richard K. Doan
TV Guide February 8, 1969