Almost 2,000 years ago Christ Jesus died for you and I so we may have a right to the tree of life. First we must confess to the Lord that we are sinners and have sin. For we are born into sin. Ask the Lord Jesus to cleanse us from our sins, and wash us in His blood. Then believe on Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Acts 16:31. The bible tells us if thou will confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in thy heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shal be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romams 10:9-10
But, we can not just stop there. We must read the bible which is the word of God. We must strive every day to walk like Jesus. We must find a church that is teaching the undiluted truth. Prayer and fasting is a must, in order to find out what is that perfect and exceptable will of God. We must turn from the worldly things and seek the spritual things.
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