Hi! My name is Kandi. I am 14 years old.
I like to play the piano. I collect Beanie Babies
and have about 100. My room decor is watermelons.
I also like horses. So my life is a variety.
My Mom is helping me learn this new stuff.
I hope you like my first page. Ha
Pretty good for the first.
I am a Christian.
I love JESUS!

When you send mail, please insert Kandipooh
in the subject. I share this email with my parents.

Mauri Kat
My photos
Beanie Babies
Rita's Graphics

Please come back soon. This page is under construction.
My Mom is working on this and my two sisters, Dad's,
our church's and her own. She says she needs some time.
I thought Mom's had alot of time.
