Ok let's get to the non basic stuff...... these are the answers ben gave to the monthly round-up question in Metal Edge magazine: ME:If you could be the lover of someone famous -- from the past or present-- who would it be? BG: Jennifer Love Hewitt from Party of Five ME:If you could relive one day from your past, which would it be, and would you do anything differently? BG:When I was born so I could like remember it. ME:If you could be invisible for one day what would you do? BG:Probably go check out chicks. ME:What are your favorite item of clothing? BG: Boxer Shorts ME:If you could be any fictional character who would you be? BG: Ren from Ren and Stimpy ME:What's the first thing you would save if your house was on fire,other than a person? BG:My favorite snare drum. ME:What are the best and worst movies you've ever seen? BG:Best:Trainspotting,Shawshank Redemption.Worst:Ghoulies ME:What musicians, living or dead, would you put together in a supergroup? BG:John Bonham,Jimmy Page, Les Claypool, Chris Cornell ME:What cartoon, comic book, or fantasy character would you most like to be and why? BG:Bart Simpson,because he's a troublemaker. ME:What's your all-time favorite TV show? BG:Ren & Stimpy and Party of Five
Basic Info
Birthdate: October 23,1979 Part in the Band:Drummer Other Bands: Short Elvis Favorite Bands:Led Zepplin
"I'd ask her what shampoo she uses.. What underwear she wears does she prefer like lacy7 underwear or kinda you know. I don't really know much about ladies underwear. I'd ask her to give me a rundown on ladies underwear."
Ben on Dates and Mates "Some of my friends at school have, well they're only 17, but they've got girlfriends and they're kinda like hot and heavy . So we riff them off and go 'what are you doing?' you gotta hang out with your mates. Dates before mates... you don't do it. It's mates before dates." -taken from "On The Edge" on Freak Show:"This album is more influenced by -we haven't been listening to any Seattle at all.It's been more like Tool and Rage and Korn and we've even been getting into Sepultura and a lot of heavy stuff. We actually got back into a lot of the old stuff as well, like Led Zepplin,Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, and all that." "We can go and play in front of 30,000 people and we wouldn't give a shit. We wouldn't be nervous or anything. But if we played in front of our friends we'd be like really emabarrased and really nervous." Where do they see themselves doing in 10 years?"Hopefully still playing in this band. If not, we'll be playing in another bands, or sitting at home getting fat, sitting in front of the TV. Eating hamburgers, going to the beach."