Okay punters, here's the edited silverchair transcript from Monday night, 13 January 1997. Don't exactly know the total number of people who tried to log on, but we think it's in the vicinity of 300 or more. Sorry to those of you who tried to ask questions but couldn't get through. Hope this makes up for it a little bit.is Daniel Johns, singer and guitarist, is Ben Gillies, drummer and is Chris Joannou, bass player and part-time singer. is when we can't remember who said it. [Daniel] gimmie a question [SweetGirl] How do your parents feel about your fame? Do they support you? [chris] our parents are great [Korn] daniel: how come you dont use your gibson on tour? [Daniel] Korn, because the Paul Reed Smith can handle more of a beating. [Indiana] Ok do you care what age your audiences are (I remember this question being asked to you once before... lets see if its the same) :) [Chris] Indiana: Don't care .. anything from 1 - 101. [poorboy] Hey Guys, when's the tour coming to Hawaii? [Chris] poorboy: Not soon enough. [dupis] when are u coming to canada and will u pls come to NOVA SCOTIA!!! [Chris] dupis, we're playing on Much Music on Feb 4. [Daniel] Dupis: Sometime this year. [smm] is daniel vegetarian? [Daniel] smm: yes I am vegetarian [Chairhead] Daniel: Is it true that you got arrested? what happened? [Daniel] chairhead: we were driving on a beach without a licence or registration and put in a police car. [Traci] Do you appreciate/see any of the homepages that your fans make for you? [Chris] yes its good that people help with pages [cods] you suck [Chris] so do you [PrOLiCiDe] ARE YOU GUYS RELIGIOUS?? [Chris] no im not religious [Scarface] Why the fuck do you suck so much? [Ben] Scarface: We suck because I smell sooo bad. [McFeRReT] WILL YOU COME PLAY AT MY 21ST IN JUNE? [Chris] when is the party [Ben] Mcferret: Set me up with a babe & I will! [rEveNwOnK] have you guys got any other body piercings we don't know about?? [Ben] rEveNwonk: My flab rolls. [PrOLiCiDe] WHAT WAS MAGIC MOUNTAIN LIKE? [Chris] magimountin kicks arse [Jennifer0] Daniel, Chris, or Ben...will you uhh, go out with me? [Ben] Jennifer: Love to .. where do you want to go .. where do you want to take me? [Jennifer0] I WANT BEN!!! can i have u? [Chris] Jenifer0: why, why do you want Ben? I guess he has nice silky hair. [Ben] Jennifer0: I'll call babe ... What's your number ? [Shaftman] Why won't you sellouts come to #NEWCASTLE?????? [Ben] Shaftman: 'Cause Newcastle shafted us. [Shaftman] How did we (NEWCASTLE) fuck you over???? ...but I 'spose it ain't where you from it's where your at.... right???? [Chris] Shaftman: you'd think that your home town would be supportive but they're not [^{SASSY}] do you get belly button lint? [chris] Sassy: all the time, it's a real problem for me. Do yo know how to get rid of it? [leMonde] will you guys ever come bak to do another concert in Twnsville? [Chris] leMonde: our manager's from Townsville, so probably. [U18Mag] do you feel much pressure with freekshow, being the big followup to frogstomp? [Daniel] U18Mag: No. [birdman] so do ya think a change in producer(andy wallace) has lead to a better album than your debut one and what r the notable differances! [Chris] birdman: This album's heaps better. [cicada1] do you guys ever fight? [Ben] cicada1: All the time .. I gave Daniel a black eye! [shirty] whoever is the drummer, didnt it fucking hurt your head diving inti the drums at the aria's??? [Ben] shirty: Yes .. I saw stars! [Hunter] What sot of Guitar does Daniel Use ? [Daniel] I use a Paul Reed Smith guitar. [Ben] HAllo Daniel From Ben [Daniel] hi Ben from Daniel [cicada1] have you red the book craig mathieson wrote about you? What do you think of it? [Ben] Pretty good. I don't like reading. [U18Mag] whats the most obvious difference between silverchair pre-frogstomp and silverchair now - in your eyes? [Daniel] U18 mag, silverchair now is two years older. [HartSpark] Ben: So are U wearing one of your sexy little dresses? Daniel says U are a cross dresser... :) [Ben] HartSpark: Are you female? [HartSpark] Ben: why, do you want to borrow a dress?... :) [Ben] HartSpark: No I want a date. [Chief] hmm, let's see if it's really you, Ben, what club did you used to play Basketball for?? [Ben] Chief: Port Hunter .. black singlet with yellow numbers. So there! Who are you? Did you used to play? [Firemoth] have you guys ever had frogs thrown up on stage at you? if so dont feel bad cos pusa have had cans of peaches thrown at them!:) [Daniel] prolicide, yeah, we get lots of frogs thrown at us, but we don't feel bad because we enjoy the company. [Dee] How's the surf in Newcastle? [Ben] dee: Shit at the moment but it's good sometimes. Poggos is the best place to surf. [shirty] Are you going to the big day out?? not to play, to see other shit? [Chris] shirty: No I don't think so.Won't be here I don't think. [_Cam_] Have you got any plans to incorporate some more odd time sigs into your music .... like 7/8 4/4 progressions ... (even though as a whole they aren't that complex at all) [Ben] _cam_: Yes [Chief] Daniel, one of my friends claims to have cracked on to you at the foreshore on New Years, is this true, her name is Michelle and she is HOT! [Daniel] chief, yeah, probably. I can't remember. [Frogstomp] Daniel: Do you ever worry that your voice wont last, having started so young (and what a damn lovely voice) [Daniel] frogstomp: yes, but I'm quite content with a guitar. [snYpe] Are you guys extravigant with all your extra cash or what??? [Daniel] snYpe: what extra cash? [SweetGirl] Why'd Chris shave all his beautiful hair off? [Chris] SweetGirl: it's growing back, don't worry! [Spear] What other bands do you listen to? [Daniel] spear: i listen to Zeppelin, Sabbath, Slint, Shellac, various other acts. [CoRNHoLiO] what are your fave 5 bands? [Chris] CoRNHOliO: Tool, Led Zeppelin, Deftones, Sausage, Bluebottle Kiss [Ben] Cornholio: Don't have faves but Tool's my fave album at the moment. [shobee] When do you BOYS get out of Nappies? [Ben] shobee: Never .. we're still shitting our pants. You're an idiot. [Chris] shobee: i don't intend to..we have a good sponsorship deal with Huggies. [leMonde] do you guys try to be like NIRVANA ? ? ? ? (dont take it the wrong way, i like the band) [Chair] lemonde: why the fuck would we try to be like Nirvana? Questions like that are really starting to piss me off. [Chair] LeMonde: who's Nirvana? [Chair] lemonde: No. Sorry .. Daniel's got blonde hair. [Chairhead] Do you guys have innys or outtys? [Ben] chairhead: we have innys. [Chris] Chairhead: I've got an inny [Britta] Do you guys get sick of all these wankers giving you shit because you're young? (and they are wankers) [Chris] Britta: yes, but people with no brains find the most obvious thing to pick on...whatever. [SweetGirl] I've heard Chris is the shy one of the band. Is this true? [Chris] SweetGirl: Chris is the loveliest, sweetest, kindest person I've ever met. From Chris. [{{DIRTY3}] what do u gentlemen think of (SIR) Trent Reznor.. and the Rev Marylin Manson ?? [Ben] {{Dirty3}: Trent Reznor's cool .. who's the Rev? [SweetGirl] You've probably been asked a million times tonight...but do any of you guys have girlfriends? [Ben] SweetGirl: No girlfriend ... Look for LOOKS + PERSONALITY. [HartSpar] Art said It was cool touring with you guys, How did U like them ??? [Daniel] heartspark: they were really cool. We got on very well with them and we love em. [Chris] HartSpark: Art's a totally fucking legend. Everclear are way cool. [muggklef] I heard once that you didnt use your own instruments when playing live, is this true? If so, why? [Chris] muggklef: Once in NZ we didn't use our instruments because our gear didn't arrive in time.... [Rayn] When are you guys going to be in Melbourne next and do u guys need a place to crash??? I make a mean spag bol *grin* [Chris] Rayn: we'll be in Melbourne Tuesday Jan 28 at the Palace. Tickets on sale Monday, $10 + booking fee, see you there. [Drummer] Did you like the experience of playing in Brasil? Do you have plans to come back to Brasil for other tours? [Chris] Drummer: We loved Brazil!!!!!!!!!! [dee] Are you going to add "Twinkle Twinkle Fucking Little Star" to your setlist? [Chris] dee: isn't ben georgous when he sings? [grum] how do you guys liked being hated by thousands of people around the world? im sure you guys know this, why, having various objects thrown at you at numerous concerts should give you an idea of how much peopleout there hate you. [Chris] grum: hate's a negative energy. there's better ways to spend your time. [Chris] grum: part 2 - then why the fuck do they pay money to come to the gig and waste their precious time at the show? [Chris] grum: is there a band you like? maybe you would be a happier person if you did positive things, not that it bothers us that you hate us. i'm sure there's people that hate you, but you just gotta deal with it. in fact, why are you wasting your time on this? [Korn] daniel: while you were in New York did Pete show you some webpages on the internet about silverchair?? and are you gonna be in adelaide any time soon? [Daniel] Korn, no, he didn't, we were supposed to see them but we left before we got to see anything. [shirty] How do you guys feel about Spiderbait coming no1 in the hottest 100?? [Chris] shirty: it's totally excellent, we played with them in Hobart on the weekend and they were legendary [Daniel] shirty: we just played two shows with Spiderbait in Tasmania. They were really cool and they deserve whatever they get. [Player] Ben, what drumms do u use (Pearl, what model)? [Ben] Player: Pearl. MMX Master's Custom. [felix] ..do you have *any* opinion at all on industrial musix?? [Chris] felix: i like some industrial music but prefer Big Black [Dr_Russ] Money corrupts people especially in the industry you are in and have you lost many friends because now you have money they think you should pay all the time etc etc ?? [Daniel] Dr Russ: money doesn't corrupt people unless you let it. We don't brag about whatever money we've got. [Chris] Dr_Russ: we've had the same friends since primary school and they don't expect anything, that's why they're our friends. [Ben] Dr_Russ: Nothing's changed mate. [Rosie] is it true that you get special honours in music for the HSC?? [Daniel] Rosie: no, it's not true. We wish. [Chris] Rosie: we only do our HSC this year and don't get automatic credits or nothing.....still have to take all the tests and do our homework [Gloworm] Who are your idols and who do you look up to??????? [Ben] Gloworm: John Bonham. [SweetGirl] I'm not sure if you're accepting personal messages, but I'd just like Chris to know that I think he's a babe and I'd love to meet him!!!! [Chris] SweetGirl: I'm reading this, where are you from? [Korn] daniel: love the cartoon you did on dat W.A Setlist :) ben: i only called once so dont call me a dickhead! daniel: when is SC coming to adelaide next?? or dont ya know yet? [Ben] Korn: I didn't call you a dickhead. In fact I love you. [Daniel] hopefully we'll be coming to Adelaide in Easter. [Kornholio] do you guys watch Beavis and Butthead? [Chair] Kornholio: yep! [SweetGirl] When is Chris going to sing? He plays a good bass, but I'd love to hear his voice! [Chris] SweetGirl: can't sing to save myself. [Leo] WHY DID YOU LIKE BRAZIL SO MUCH? [Chair] Leo: cause the gigs were awesome and everyone went off [smm] when will you guys be in brisbane next? [Chair] smm: probably around Easter [Dee] Ben can sing for me anytime ... lol [Chris] dee: you don't want to hear ben sing........ [Dee] I have heard Ben sing!! lol [Chris] dee: so have we (unfortunately) he sang Billie Jean on the weekend [Ben] dee: what do you want me to sing you? i know a few love numbers [dupis] daniel when u come to canada please please come to nova scotia!!!!!!!!? [Daniel] dupis: we're coming to Canada but we don't know where the fuck Nova Scottia is...sorry. [ SaPpHiRe] do you guys like all the travelling etc?? [Chris] SaPppHiRe: it's ok most of the time and you see some great places and meet cool people, but sometimes you just wanna lie on your couch and watch telly [Ben] sapphire: the travelling sucks but once you get there it's cool [Leo] how often do you write songs? Weekly? monthly? daily? [Daniel] Leo, I write songs whenever I can. [SweetGirl] I know Daniel got an eyebrow earring, what about Chris and Ben? Are they going to follow in Daniel's foot steps? [Ben] sweetgirl: we'll probably tattoo our bum cheeks [smm] is daniel wearing makeup in the new videos? [Daniel] smm: yeah, just a light foundation and some blush. It's a new softer look for me... [cicada1] Will you be hosting rage again at all? [Chris] cicada1: yeah, later in the year [punter] how long did you folks spend playing dives before you got signed? [Chair] we played really bad venues to no more than 5 people a night for at least two years. [VuDuChiLi] Do u guys like Regurgitator? [Chair] VuDuChili: majorly. [COLDAR|] how do we know for sure that your silverchair? [Chair] coldar: you don't, but we are. I think. [Korn] daniel: umm also i host the "Miller's SC Webpage" and like my page came in a #1 in the top10 music sites in sept.. also heh16th in the top 100 australian music sites in 1996 :) just thought i mite tell ya that you do have some fans.. not just these fuckers that dis ya all the time. the adress is http://silverchair.home.ml.org by the way [Daniel] Korn: thanks [felix] ..are you inspired by nin in anyway?? [Ben] felix: i like them a lot. i just started getting into them [Chris] to everyone....we've gotta go real soon, like in 5 minutes. we have to drive back to newcastle now. did anyone hear daniel and ben on triple m tonite? [Leo] DJ: Do you make it a point to finish every song or idea you come up with or do you trash a lot of unfinished stuff? [Ben] leo: we trash a lot of unfinished stuff. [PrOLiCiDe] do you guys think you've matured more musically or lyrically since your begginings? [Ben] prolicide: yes [Johns] goodbye everyone. Thanks for the questions. I'm going home now. [Ben] sorry, yes we do have to go. are you still there jennifer? and good-bye to everyone else [Chris] to everyone..thanks heaps for asking us questions. we're driving back SILVERCHAIR IRC LOG