Question 1: In which town was Kurt Cobain born? Daniel: Seattle, wasn't it? Oh, fuck it if I don't know. Kerrang: It's Aberdeen, Washington. Daniel: I was gonna say that. You didn't give me any time! Kerrang: And we're not giving you a point either. Question 2: Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain? Daniel: George... er... fuck it. Ben: No, that's America, mate. Daniel: The Queen. I thought she was the head. Kerrang: Ben, you're supposed to be the brains of the band. Ben: Yeah, I know what he looks like. He wears glasses and he's grey. But I can't get his name. [John Major is the British Prime Minister.] Question 3: Who plays Agent Mulder in The X-Files? Daniel: Fuck it if I know! Chris: The dude with the orange hair? Ben: We only know him as Mulder. Chris: I know the guy you are talking about -- the smart looking guy with a short back and sides. Wears a trench coat. Daniel: It starts with a "P," doesn't it? Steven? [Agent Fox Mulder is played by David Duchovny.] Question 4: Who is the singer in Korn? Daniel: Jonathan Davis, YEAH! Question 5: Who is the English coach of the Australian soccer team? Ben: He's coaching some other team too, isn't he? Daniel: John Bonham. Ben: Jimmy Page. [Terry Venables] Question 6: Who played James Bond in Goldeneye? Ben: The dude who from Lawnmower Man. What's his name? Daniel: I dunno. [Pierce Brosnan played Agent 007 in Goldeneye.] Question 7: Pearl Jam have made four albums. Name them. Ben: Ten, Vs., Vitalogy and No Code. That's an easy one. Question 8: Vienna is the capital of which country? Daniel: I thought it was ice cream. Ben: India, Brazil... [Vienna is in Austria.] Question 9: Name five Shakespeare plays. Daniel: Romeo and Juliet. That's it. Kerrang: He did write a few. Ben: The Terminator. We don't give a shit about Shakespeare! [And we don't give enough of one to tell you four more besides Romeo and Juliet.] Question 10: Who is Mike Tyson's manager? Daniel: Fuck, it's that guy with the funny hair. What's his name? Jeez, I don't know." [Don King] Question 11: In which city is the Acropolis? Ben: Is it Greece? Kerrang: Yes. Ben: Rome? Chris: Athens! Question 12: Name three Metallica albums. Daniel: Load, The Black Album and Master of Puppets. YESSSSS!!! Question 13: What is the first track on Soundgarden's Down on the Upside? Daniel: (singing to the riff of Pretty Noose) I don't know. Question 14: In American football, where do the Raiders come from? Daniel: L.A.! Kerrang: Wrong! Chris: Oh yeah, they moved them, didn't they? Ben: We're just dumb bastards, that's all there is to it. [The Raiders play in Oakland, California.] Question 15: What is the legal age for drinking in the U.S.? All: 21! Question 16: Who is the singer in The Offspring? All: Dexter. Question 17: Who wrote Huckleberry Finn? Daniel: Oh, that old guy. Chris: That one next door. Ben: Roald Dahl? [Mark Twain] Question 18: Whose current album is called Music for the Jilted Generation? Daniel: Sex Pistols? [The Prodigy] Question 19: Name two English TV soaps. Chris: Prisoner: Cell Block H wouldn't be classed as a soap, would it? Kerrang: Might be, but it's Australian, and therefore NOT English! Ben: The Police? No, what is it called? The Bill! Daniel: Melrose Place, U.K. version? EastEnders! Question 20: What is the first track on the Red Hot Chili Peppers' One Hot Minute? Daniel: Warped? Question 21: What is the second biggest city in England? Daniel: London? Kerrang: That's the biggest. Chris: Birmingham. Question 22: In Pulp Fiction, what is the inscription on Samuel L. Jackson's wallet? Ben: Fuck you? Daniel: Bad boy or Bad ass. Chris: Bad motherfucker. [All right, two in a row for Chris!] Question 23: What was Green Day's last album called? Daniel: Dookie? No, Insomniac. Question 24: If you were in England and you would order a chip butty, what would you get? Ben: Oh, I know! A roll with hot chips in it. Question 25: When England play Australia at cricket, the trophy they compete for is the Ashes. What are Ashes? Daniel: They're the ashes of the stumps which were burned after the first game Australia won. HOW SILVERCHAIR SCORED: 13 OUT OF 25 THE VERDICT: Fair to middling, but the trio could well benefit from some extra homework.