Tom: Modern Rock Live is pleased to welcome back to our studios, it's been a little over a year, silverchair. Their new CD is called Freak Show, please welcome silverchair. Hi guys. Chris: How are ya? Ben: Hey Daniel: Hi Tom: Welcome back Chris: Thanks Ben: Thanks Daniel: Thank you Tom: We have Daniel, Chris and Ben there. Now you guys just came back from where? Were you in New Zealand? Chris: Yeah we just um, before we left to come over here, we did a quick show in Tasmania and we had a bit more time off, then we went and did two shows in New Zealand. Tom: Well welcome to the States, I know your tour kicks off in a couple of days and we do wish you well. Now I want to ask you a question. I actually read in a interview, I don't know if it was you Daniel, or Chris, or Ben, I don't know who mentioned that the last record you did after listening to it you guys weren't particularly happy with it, is that a correct assumption based on the interviews I've read? Daniel:, we're happy with it, this is Daniel here by the way, um we're happy with it, it's just were more happy with the new album cause the first album had 3 or 4 songs on it which we didn't particularly like but we had to put on the album to make up an album's worth of songs, but we're as happy as you can be with the first album Tom: Which were the songs you didn't like? Daniel: I can't even remember Tom: (laughs) Daniel: I'm not even going to say cause it'll... Tom: (interrupts) Yeah I know Tom: Well I can tell you I've listened to the new CD over the weekend and it's amazing, I mean you guys have definitely.. um, for a band that had a quick turn around between two albums you guys seem like you really were very focused in the studio, I mean is that how you went into this record..going OK this is our second album we have to really be focused? Chris: Um it was kind of.. we had a bit of time off in-between them andwe thought let's work a bit harder on this one and let's just make it better than the other one and we kind of did that and it took longer this time, it took 3 weeks instead of 9 days and we sorted out a lot of sounds and just made everything better really Tom: Everything seemed like a whirlwind for you guys, I mean particularly here in the states, I mean the record's released, chart positions, whatever you want to call it, but the record was a huge success. Was there ever a time where you had to sit back and look back at this and maybe from now-a-day looking back on the past couple years, is there anything that you've learned from that experience that helped prepare you for this record? Ben: ..Um.. I guess just traveling around and like going to all different countries and seeing what goes on in the industry you learn a lot of stuff and doing the first album as well, like you learn a lot of stuff doing that so you know when you go in to do the second album not to make that mistake again Tom: Is there anything that was disconcerting to you, you mentioned the industry, about coming to the states wherever you had to work with the "industry" was it disheartening or were you able to work within the "system"? Daniel: There was like.. we don't know who the question is directed to,'s a lot of good people in the industry and there's also a lot of dicks so you just gotta kinda live with the dicks and get on with the people who are all right Tom: Well I hope later on, before this 90 minutes is over, we'll start naming some dicks on the air, let's hope that'll happen Daniel: We could do that Tom: We have David on the line, David thanks for calling Modern Rock Live caller: Yeah, I was wondering what bands did ya'll listen to when you were growing up and what bands do ya'll listen to now? Daniel: When we first started listening to music it was mainly the stuff that our old men, fathers, dads, etc. showed us, um like Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Hendrix, stuff like that and we still listen to that stuff a lot as well as a lot of newer stuff, a lot of Steve Albini stuff, we really like Korn, anything with good Tom: When you guys had the opportunity to tour for your first record did you get a chance to see any bands or meet any bands that you really liked or get turned on to any bands while you were on the road Ben: We did get to see Korn in New Jersey when we were in New York and they were rather legendary and um..who else have we seen.. Daniel, Chris, anyone? Chris: We saw heaps of bands. We saw Soundgarden and Pavement and all that sort of stuff. You see heaps of bands as you go along at festivals especially Europe and that Ben: We saw Bad Religion too, they were pretty good Tom: Yeah, they're good, they're good Tom: David thanks for your call we talk now to Lisa-Marie caller: Hi, I was wondering do you get along while you're on tour and do you get homesick? Tom: Aw the old fist-a-cuffs question. Are there fist-a-cuffs in the band? Daniel: Yeah, we fight ALL the time! Tom: Good, good that's healthy Daniel: It's cool, we like it.. we love it Ben: laughs Tom: That's very healthy, thats good Daniel: There's a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea Ben: Um... what? Daniel: That's all I've got to say (laughing) Ben: Daniel's drinking tea at the moment, that's why he said that I think Tom: laughs Ben: but ya, we don't really fight on tour very much we get along pretty well but you'll have the occasional day when someone will be kinda cheesed off at someone else, but you know, it passes over pretty quickly. Tom: What is the root to the evil of having these fights, I mean what do you guys normally fight over? Daniel: We don't usually fight... Ben: they're just like... Chris: disagreements Daniel: Yeah, like Chris will want to go out for tea at a Mexican place and I'll want to go out for tea somewhere else and Ben wants to go somewhere else and we all go.. I don't want to go there! and then we end up sitting in the hotel eating... Ben: getting room service Daniel: room service (negatively) Tom: Wow tough life! Daniel: it is.. Tom: Adam, thanks for calling, you're on with silverchair caller: What part of being a musician do you like most? Ben: playing live Chris: Yeah, live is pretty good, it's kinda the best way to play music I reckon. It kinda gets a bit boring sitting in a studio trying to play songs that way so you kinda get the crowd reaction and that sort of stuff when you're playing live Daniel: It's good to be able to play to people who appreciate the music Ben: and I think playing live is the thing that makes you want to keep doing what you're doing because like, if you didn't play live and just traveled around in planes all day and got really bored you'd probably... it would get kinda boring Tom: You guys had a chance in December to play in Las Angeles as the "George Castanza Trio" where you got a chance to preview some of the songs form Freak Show, you talk about audience response, that was the first time you played a lot of the stuff live infront of people, at least in the States, was there one or two particular songs that actually got a good reaction from people that had not been exposed to the album? Daniel: Um... songs that got the best reaction although they were still new and no one had really heard them were the songs that have kind of a heavy groove like Freak and... Ben: probably Slave Daniel: Slave, Yeah anything they could jump around to really cause it's kind of hard to get a reaction with new songs if they haven't heard them so you gotta try to get across as much energy as possible when you're on stage so the crowd appreciates the new songs as well Tom: Let's get back to our busy phones to talk to Trisha caller: hi, I was wondering what the meaning is behind the album's name Freak Show Chris: Um... well it's kind of a theme orientated thing with Freak Show and all the old freaks and it kinda gets to the fact that how people come to shows and look at you and think you're freaks and stuff, and the way we pack up and move on to another city and setup and just like an old show and stuff like that Tom: Like a circus family Chris: Yeah Tom: What's your favourite freak? Daniel: Can't have a favourite, they're all unique Ben: I don't really know any Tom: Jennifer is up next on Modern Rock Live, thanks for calling Jennifer caller: Hi, does one person write the songs, or do you collaborate? Daniel: um, it varies from song to song. I wrote the lyrics and me and Ben wrote the music sometimes and sometimes I wrote the music and the lyrics and on two songs on this album Ben... (interrupted by a sound that says... Ooops, you can't say that on Modern Rock Live!.)... guy Ben: None of that swearing big fella Daniel: (laughing) I said such a flukin talented ... what's the matter with it? Tom: You're expressing your love for him that's all Daniel: That's right Tom: Jennifer thanks for calling, we're talking now to Laura caller: Hi! If you guys could tour with anyone who would it be? Daniel: Zeppelin Ben: Yep, Led Zeppelin Chris: classic Tom: That's realistic, okay who else? Daniel: Robert Johnson Ben: Who's that? Daniel: (laughing) I think he's dead Tom: laughing Ben: What's his name?... What's his name?? Tom: (laughing) Are you talking about the old blues guitarist Robert Johnson? Daniel: That's him Tom: OK, so what you guys should do is just take his box set and play it on stage on a CD player, there you go, he could open for ya Daniel: We've done that a few times, the crowd seemed to love it Tom: Of course, of course, I love watching two speakers on stage Daniel: Yeah Tom: Laura, good question thanks for calling. We talk now to Melissa caller: What do you like most about the U.S.? Ben: I guess... We love the people here they're great, they're legendary and we love the food here, we love... I don't know Daniel: television Ben: television yep, cable T.V. Tom: What's your favourite T.V. show? Ben: Beavis and Butthead for me Daniel: laughs Tom: Did you see the movie? Ben: No, I haven't seen it yet. Tom: It's great Tom: Anna, thanks for calling Modern Rock Live caller: Hi! I was wondering how you guys met and how you formed the band Ben: We just met through school, like I knew Chris I think in year one or two or something and then we both met Daniel in about year three. And the way we formed the band was just me and Daniel started playing our instruments. I started playing drums and he started playing guitar then we just started jamming together and then we decided to get a bass player and it all kinda, you know, went on from there. Tom: What was the first song you guys did together? Ben: You don't want to know it believe me Daniel: um... I forget, um... I can't remember Ben: I can't remember Daniel: Me and Ben used to play "Hound Dog" Ben: It was probably pretty bad anyway, so don't worry about it Tom: laughs Tom: Anna thanks for your question, we travel now and talk to Kat caller: Hey, I met and saw you guys back in 95and 96 in Philadelphia and I'm seeing you guys again this year... Tom: (interrupts) that must have been a long concert 95 to 96! All: (laughing) caller: twice, I was wondering what were the best and worst places you ever played at? Chris: The two best ones would be the Phillmore in Sanfrancisco and Madison Square Garden cause a lot of bands that we really like have played there, like Led Zeppelin at Madison Square Gardens and The Who at San Francisco and the worst one would probably be this gig we did somewhere in Europe called Exposure Rock Cafe and it was just this really small little, dingy little place about the size of the room we're in now and it just had this big glass pole up the middle of the stage and it was just really bad. Daniel: I thought it was cool Ben: Yeah, I liked that gig Chris Daniel: laughing Tom: Well Kat, thanks for bringing the show down to a bummer cause now they're all depressed thinking about the worst gig! We talk now to Billy.. Hey Billy caller: Hi, this is Billy, I was wondering what you guys do in your spare time? Daniel: Hey Billy Chris: We just hang out at the beach, maybe go for a surf, not much when we're at home really, we just try to sit around and relax and do not much at all. Tom: Did people leave you alone after you came back home and everything, I mean obviously you want to hang out with friends and everything, but did everybody kind of give you space so you could power down so-to-speak or just relax? Daniel: After a while we kinda got a bit more space when the whole first album hype crap died down, um when the first album was kind of at it's peak in Australia there was a bit of media crap going on, but um, ya we got a bit of space towards the end of our time off Tom: Good. Billy, thanks for your call, we talk now to Mark caller: Yeah, you guys, I was just wondering where you think you're gonna be in the future like maybe the next five years or something? Daniel: It all really depends, we could be still playing music in silverchair or we could be... asleep Ben and Chris: (laughing) Tom: Like on big long nap Daniel: Yeah Tom: I want to just go back to "Abuse Me" for a minute and talk about the video. The guy who did the video did stuff for Oasis and Alanis Morrisette, but the guy who's in there getting tattooed, how did you hook up with him? Chris: There's this show in Australia called "Hey, Hey" and they've got this segment called "Red Faces" and he was on there in his underwear doing all this cartoonist stuff and everything and someone who works with Johnny Watson saw him and we got him up and it was perfect Tom: Now is that truly him, I mean that's not make up is it? Ben: That's real tattoos Daniel: It's makeup on his head. His head and face aren't tattooed, but everything else is real Tom: Wow! It's an amazing video if you got a chance to see this guy. I'm sure he'll look good when he's 70 Tom: We talk now to Nicole, hi Nicole caller: Wow! I read in Guitar World how you said mosh pits are different in Australia than America and I was just wondering how? Ben: Mosh pits in Australia everyone just is out infront of the and they just jump up and down and that's all they do is jump up and down, but in the States there's like a circle and people just like run around in these big circles and theres all... Daniel: (interrupts) I think they know, you don't have to explain what they do cause they're American Ben: Ahh, shut up! Tom: (laughing) Actually, no explain it cause we're short for time Ben: OK, um, well there's just like a circle that everyone runs around in and there's always a leader like there's always a big heavy dude walking around like... Daniel: (interrupts) Or a big heavy girl Ben: oh, well girl, dude, whatever you want.. and if he doesn't like anyone he'll hurt 'em Daniel: Or she'll hurt them Ben: he/her Tom: Do you encourage that at your shows? How do you feel about that kind of action going on? Daniel: It's good, it's better than just standing there and not responding at all, at least if there jumping around they can kind of feel the music and.. jump and... break... things Ben: I think it makes you play better too Daniel: Yeah Tom: Joseph's calling Modern Rock Live caller: Hi guys, I was just wondering how you guys got hooked up with Handsome for the tour you're on right now? Daniel: We originally got a 7 inch single in Australia just cause we heard it was Peter Mengede's (from Helmet) other band and one of the dudes from Quicksand and we like both those bands a lot so we went out and got the 7 inch and really liked it and from there we kind of hooked up with them cause it was a lot simpler than most tours because they are on the same record label as ourselves, so it was easy to get connected. Tom: The bands you mentioned, Helmet and Quicksand, were bands you guys mentioned last time you were on the show. There's also another band you guys mentioned, Tool. What do you guys think of their new record? Chris: It's great, the sounds on it and the production and everything is just really big and great Tom: Cindy, thanks for calling Modern Rock Live caller: What difference do you guys see in American teen culture and Australian teen culture? Daniel: Umm, Australian kinda culture is a lot more laid back than the culture in the States... I don't know, there's also problems in Australia, but it seems to me that it's a lot more relaxed atmosphere, people just hang out at the beach, play music and do nothing. That also happens in some parts of the States, but a lot of the parts we've seen there's a lot of stress crap going on and we're just like... wow, it's amazing Tom: Is there a different tone to the letters you get from your fans from each country when you talk about stress, I mean are the American letters more intense? Daniel: A lot of them are just normal letters, intense letters come from everywhere really. There's always people writing and when you read it it's a shock, but it's not necessarily just America that has those kind of intense letters it also happens from Australia and Europe and everywhere else Tom: We have Tanya on the line caller: have you guys had any strange fan experiences while touring? Ben: Umm, no, I don't think so Daniel: Have we had any what? Ben: Strange fan experiences didn't you say? Tom: Yep Ben: I can't recall any Daniel: Uuummmm... we had this guy one time outside the bus who painted himself blue and he actually had white underpants on and no hair and he was yelling out "I love you Ben!, I love you Ben!" and that was pretty weird Tom: That was Chris Sheppard from the show, he was just making sure you guys would do it Daniel: He was just this rad dude, I don't know what his name or anything Tom: But nothing else weird? Daniel: That didn't really happen, that was just... I thought we might answer the question with something good Tom: Jason, thanks for calling Modern Rock Live, your on with silverchair caller: I was wondering how you guys find time for education? Chris: We sorta... whenever we're at home we're in school basically when school's in and this time around while we're away we've got a tutor with us so it shouldn't be too bad this time Tom: What's your favourite subjects? Chris: Lunch Ben: (laughing) yeah, break Tom: Study hall Ben: uhmmmmmm... yeah (sarcastically) Daniel: umm, next question all: laughing Tom: We're going to play Petrol and Chlorine, do you want to talk about what this song means? Daniel: It's one of the songs that we decided to really kinda experiment instrumentally, there's Indian percussion and a sitar and a guitar-sitar and a violin you know, a bit of that kind of stuff Ben: A bit of everything Daniel: Ya, a bit of everything Tom: Oh cool Tom: Let's go back to our phones and talk to Jordan, hey Jordan caller: Hey! Do you guys prefer playing in a smaller club or a larger coliseum? Daniel: They're both good Chris: they're very different so they're kinda good in their own way, whichever one you do Daniel: It's good to have a kind of variation in the size of venues that you play cause it keeps every performance kind of fresh Ben: I think the smaller pub show are kind of more personal than the big ones as well because you're so far away from the audience at the big ones and at the small pub ones they're right in your face Tom: Are there any songs that you guys do, whether it's new material or stuff from the first album, that just seems to go over well in a huge festival atmosphere? Daniel: Anything with a groove goes over well when there's lot of people cause they all just jump around and do their thing Tom: Right. We talk now to Beth caller: hi, what careers would you guys choose if you weren't in music? Ben: I'd probably be a plumber like my dad... I've always wanted to be a plumber Chris: I don't know, I really haven't thought about that. Ben: a mechanic maybe Chris Tom: You have the pipes, you can do that job Chris: Yeah Ben: I reckon Chris would be a mechanic, that's my personal opinion Tom: OK, that AUTO be fun, what else? Daniel: um, I'd get a dolt check every week, yeah... I wouldn't do anything Ben: Wouldn't you be a fruitier? Daniel: No, I wouldn't do that Ben: take after your dad Daniel: maybe actually, yeah actually... yeah I'd sell apples and eat the spares Tom: (laughs) There you go, career choices from silverchair Tom: Back to the phones, let's talk to Liam. Hey Liam thanks for calling caller: Hi, hey Daniel and everybody, Daniel, Chris and Ben: Hey! I love silverchair, I love ya'll very much, and we're way down here in South Carolina. We're starting off like ya'll and we're trying to get noticed and everything but we're kinda like a tribute band cause we play all your stuff and everything. What's your advice to us on how to get big cause there's no demo contests around here at all Daniel: You gotta like... do you have your own songs? caller: yeah, we do Daniel: Well, if I were you I'd... Ben: (interrupts) write more Daniel: Ya, play as many of your own songs as possible cause no one's going to notice you playing covers, we realized that and um yeah, just rock on! and send tapes to everyone you know that has connections caller: were trying real real hard to make it big cause I'm only 15 and we play real good Tom: What's the name of your band Liam caller: our band's called Flynt Ben: What's it called? caller: Flynt, we spelled the Y backwards like Korn only they have a backwards R Daniel: allright... Well, you can send us a tape and we'll listen to it caller: Ya'll will? Daniel and Ben: Yeah, we'll listen to it caller: Aw man, ya'll are awesome man! Daniel: You're awesome too! caller: Aw you're the man Dan! All right well, I love ya'll real much man, I'll write ya'll... I've already wrote ya'll like 20 letters Daniel: cool, we love you too... we love everyone Tom: OK, thanks Liam for calling Ben: see ya! Tom: Clarrisa's on the next line, thanks Clarrisa for calling caller: Yeah, I was wondering what are your views on musicians and their drug addictions and everything, cause you guys are real famous now and are you like into that stuff? Chris: No, we're not really the kind of people you could call druggies but you know if people are willing to go and abuse their bodies like that, I mean it's their choice, it might not be right but... Ben: If they want to do it they can, It's up to them, but personally we don't do that kind of stuff Daniel: We smell flowers Ben: laughs Tom: When you come back home and you're rock stars now, do your friends at least accept you in that light? Daniel: Our friends are cool cause we don't change at all, we don't think we're any better than anyone else just because we're at a certain level our friends treat us the same, we're just the same people and just go to our mates house and hang out and play pool and fall asleep on the lounge. Tom: Was there anyone who came out of the woodwork that you guys probably didn't like or didn't even know growing up and all of a sudden said "Aw I'm your best friend, remember me?" Daniel: There's a few people Ben: Not really Daniel: I don't know, there's a few dickheads like that Ben: Most of our friends, like we knew them before anything happened with the band so they really couldn't care less who the hell we were Tom: You know, starting out like you guys did you know winning the demo competition and everything did you get a lot of support from besides just friends but family as well to say hey go for this? Daniel: Our friends... we didn't even talk about anything at school you know, like we didn't say " Look guys we just got this record contract" and all this crap because we didn't want to sound like we were kind of boasting to our friends so we just kept it quiet and our friends, whatever we did they just kinda didn't say anything about it, they were just cool with it and then we were just like "Yeah, see ya later, we're going to America for six weeks" and they were like "Yeah, cool, see ya when you get back" Tom: Bring back some McDonalds Daniel: Yeah bring back some nice... what are they called?... Reeses Pieces Tom: Oh, Reeses Pieces, did you bring some back for them? Ben: Yeah Daniel: About 20 packets Ben: We couldn't find... what were they called, the ones we were trying to get? Daniel: There was like Reeses Pieces peanut butter crap and we didn't like that Tom: peanut butter cups Ben: Yeah All: laughing Daniel: We had to find the ones like M&Ms and we found them in a little machine Tom: The issue as far as going back home to see your friends and your family did anyone get a chance to actually come to America to hang with you, did you get a little homesick and say hey we'll fly some friends over Chris: No, not as yet, no Daniel: We don't really have the time to say "come on boys, come over and we'll hang" Ben: We havn't got that money either... imagine how much that would cost to fly your friends over Tom: Well here's the deal folks call 1 800 223 ROCK and send some money to silverchair so they can send their friends over and I'm sure they'll be happy to have that Ben: Just send it to Ben Gillies All: laugh Tom: We're talking now to Angela caller: Hi, first of all I'd like to say Daniel, we have the same birthday Daniel: yeah! Tom: What day is that? caller: April 22nd Ben: Are you a Taurus? caller: yeah Daniel: uh... no! (sarcastically) Tom: well, it's the same day Ben: Oh, well I'm not exactly sure what States sign it was Tom: Ya, different countries different thing, sure caller: OK, I was wondering why weren't you going to put Cemetery on the album? Daniel: Just when I originally wrote it I saw it very much as just an acoustic guitar and vocals kind of song, it didn't really seem like a band kind of song and it's not that we didn't want to experiment with different stuff but it just didn't seem like something you could incorporate drums and bass into, but we found a way of incorporating different instruments into the song and made it a silverchair song Tom: Good question Angela, thanks for calling. Bethany is calling to talk to silvercair, Bethany caller: Hi, first I saw you guys at the Troubadour and I thought you were great, and um I was wondering do you ever feel pressured or nervous when you're on stage? Chris: Not really... sometimes you might get a bit nervous if um like, last week we had to record a thing for MTV live and we were kind of a bit nervous, you don't want to stuff up infront of the cameras cause you'd kinda fell a bit dumb, but most of the time it's pretty cool and we're just sort of relaxed Tom: I don't think this is an American thing, but overall people always say this about bands on second albums, you know, the sophomore jinx or what have you, did you guys go into recording this record thinking this has got to be really good and really big for our second... just to show people we can really do this? Ben: We just kinda... Tom: (interrupts) was it just kinda like we'll see what happens? Ben: All that we really did was just go in and make a happy... ah, make a happy... make an album we're happy with Tom: (laughing) A happy record! Ben: Yeah, we wanted to make people smile Tom: (laughs) I saw that on a bumper sticker, I don't know if you saw it, silverchair makes me smile Daniel: Ya, we've seen it as well Tom: We have Stephanie on the phone, Stephanie caller: hello, nice to meet you guys over the phone, I love you so much Ben: I love you too Daniel: Thank you caller: thanks! I was just wondering, with your success do you feel you are paving the way for other Australian bands to be successful in America also? Daniel: It's kind of... I think INXS and Men at Work and if you want to class AC/DC as an Australian band they kinda showed people that Australia has music and now the kind of success we've had in America has showed that there's still music in Australia and there's a lot of good bands, a lot of bands better than us Tom: Well you know the cool thing is, going back to a caller before, Liam, there is a lot of people here in the States that actually look up to you guys and what you've done and how you made music a part of their lives, they look up to you as something to aspire to... so I think that's pretty cool too, at least on this side of the world Daniel: Yeah Tom: You don't have to respond, I just had to say that Daniel: Oh, I was just going to say.. yeah, thanks All: laugh Tom: Thanks to everyone for calling in tonight, and thanks of course to our guests Daniel, Chris and Ben of Silverchair, you guys were great and thanks again for coming,good luck on the tour and please come back again, we'd love to have you on again Daniel: Thank you... very much Ben: Thanks Chris: Thanks, thanks, thanks