MTVixen : Welcome to the MTV Arena this event with Silverchair. The members of Silverchair are here to chat about their recent album, "Freak Show," and about how rock stardom is treating them. Welcome, Daniel, Chris, and Ben. BENxGx : G'day BENxGx : Hello, is anyone there?? DANIELxJx : Hi I'm Daniel CHRISxJx : chris here BENxGx : questions please BENxGx : are there any people around? MTVixen : Okay this audience has their work cut out for them: they have some qustions for ya so here we go: MTVog : SOsheeran asks: Question : Daniel, why are you wearing make-up now? DANIELxJx : Cause it's the cool thing to do. (JOKE) MTVog : Mizty asks: WHO WAS THE BIGGEST INFLUENCE ON YOU GUYS FOR THIS ALBUM? 2. DID YOU USE ANY PF THE SONGS NOT USED IN FROGSTOMP FOR FREAKSHOW? BENxGx : Led Zep MTVog : 3. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WRITE? DANIELxJx : probably Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath who we have been listening to since we were 11 years old BENxGx : Anything really. MTVixen : We are chatting with Silverchair..... BENxGx : Hi Mom. MTVixen : The members of Silverchair: MTVixen : Daniel Johns (vocals/guitar), MTVixen : Chris Joannou (bass), MTVixen : and Ben Gillies (drums). BENxGx : Thanks. MTVixen : DesiredFX asks, MTVixen : What is it like hanging with Dave Navarro? Do you like the way he plays guitar? BENxGx : Dave's cool and he's a good guitarist. DANIELxJx : Dave is cool. He plays guitar rather well. CHRISxJx : Dave's cool . . . DANIELxJx : I mean rather MTVog : AiLENGrl1 asks: Question : how do you guys feel about women or girls in rock and do you like any girl bands? BENxGx : Does anyone want a date? BENxGx : Girl and guy bands both rock. BENxGx : Does anyone want a date? MTVog : This is for everyone- MTVog : a little seasonal humor- MissNirva asks: Question : Which would you prefer for valentine's day?? cat of nine tails (you like to be abused) or a nice thoughtful gift? DANIELxJx : A cat of nine tails please BENxGx : Cat of nine tails please. BENxGx : I like it kinky. CHRISxJx : nice gift's just fine MTVog : Silvrfrg1 asks: MTVog : WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SONGS OF EITHER ALBUM? CHRISxJx : dunno yet . . . have to play 'em a bit more BENxGx : No Association and anything heavy DANIELxJx : I like all songs on the second album equally. There are few songs on the BENxGx : Come on, someone want a dtea? DANIELxJx : old album which I don't particularly like BENxGx : i meant date DANIELxJx : Ben MTVixen : The members of Silverchair are our guests here in the MTV Arena! MTVixen : Crckhed asks: Question : If you could go back and change one thing what would it be? DANIELxJx : Ben's got a fixation with females me and Chris are trying to hold him back but he's an ANIMAL!!!! BENxGx : Leave me alone, Johnsie. CHRISxJx : so far so good. BENxGx : I would've put a song on the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack. DANIELxJx : I wouldn't MTVog : Ashtart30 asks: what city haven't you been to that you'd like to go to? BENxGx : Leave me alone, Johnsie. DANIELxJx : Sorry Ben DANIELxJx : I love you BENxGx : We'd like to go to all cities. We just don't have the time - but we'll get there one day. BENxGx : I'm not joking. Does anyone want a date? DANIELxJx : I don't whether I would like to go there because I haven't seen them yet. CHRISxJx : calgooliae (Australia) MTVog : Cleo75 asks: whats the weirdest fan letter you ever recieved? BENxGx : Is Argyle Doren out there? DANIELxJx : there is many BENxGx : Can't remember any weird fan mail. CHRISxJx : a heap of weird stuff -- "what hand do ya wipe yer bum with?" BENxGx : But I can remember a weird question in an interview: A guy asked me if I ever got a boner in a classroom. MTVixen : Planethck asks: Question : So like, do you watch Beavis and Butthead? BENxGx : Yes, definitely. DANIELxJx : Yeah CHRISxJx : definately -- one of the best cartoon shows MTVog : TOKEN3 asks: i got tthe movie outakes and mistakes and when you guys were playing slave in argentina it looks like ben got a tattoo did he? Anyone else? DANIELxJx : Rugrats kicks ass BENxGx : Would anyone like to go the movies with me on a date? BENxGx : Please? BENxGx : No CHRISxJx : covers his butt -- and it looks GREAT BENxGx : It's just magic marker MTVixen : Silver156 asks: Question : Have you guys ever considered doing an Unplugged with MTV? BENxGx : Don't know, haven't been asked. BENxGx : Maybe later on. CHRISxJx : not just yet DANIELxJx : Yeah we have considered it, but we're not doing it yet b/c we are tired. MTVixen : To ask members of Silverchair a question, click the "Interact" button on your screen and send it. BENxGx : No one likes me MTVixen : Mind you, only the most creative and wacky questions will be put forth to the band, so put some brain into it (or some keen humor)! BENxGx : No one wants to go on a date with me BENxGx : I'm so upset MTVog : Slvrchair asks: do u giys think your going to be doing this band stuff to much longer or do u think DANIELxJx : Thats Right Ben MTVog : your gonna move onto other careers you might want to pursue? DANIELxJx : Maybe BENxGx : Shut up Daniel. Leave me alone. I'm sorry I can't get dates like you. DANIELxJx : Soon I we going otu for dinner so I hope we won't be doing it much longer CHRISxJx : yeah -- in the near futur i'll get a job MTVixen : The members of Silverchair: MTVixen : Daniel Johns (vocals/guitar), MTVixen : Chris Joannou (bass), MTVixen : and Ben Gillies (drums). MTVog : Elsie 520 asks: Question : Daniel, did your parents give you any trouble about getting your eyebrow pierced, it looks awesome, by the way!: ) BENxGx : Slvrchair-- Don't know, you can't really tell. DANIELxJx : Dear Ben, I have never been on a date in my life. What you are talking about BENxGx : Bullshit, you lying bastard. DANIELxJx : Except for last night MTVixen : DArcy1450 asks: Question : DOES DANIEL PLAN ON GETTING ANYTHING ELSE PIERCED? BENxGx : My penis is pierced. BENxGx : Just joking DANIELxJx : Maybe I already have MTVog : Nenosorac asks: What other bands do you listen to? BENxGx : Helmet, Tool, Korn, Prodigy, Led Zep, NIN, Minor Threat, anything heavy really. DANIELxJx : Lots of different stuff. Lately I have been listening to DRI, TSOL, And all the usual cool CHRISxJx : Deftones, Free, Backmarket DANIELxJx : stuff MTVog : MunkyG1rl asks: Whats the strangest pick-up line you guys have heard so far? BENxGx : What's an angel like you doing so far from heaven? DANIELxJx : It's never happened DANIELxJx : except for last night MTVog : RollerBT asks: Question : How do other bands treat you, since you are so young (but very talented)? DANIELxJx : We have been treated well by every band we have met BENxGx : Treated as an equal. They don't care how old we are, which is good. CHRISxJx : the bands we've met have been cool & willing to talk & hang out MTVog : LSD SK8ER asks: CAN YOU ASK THEM WHO MADE UP THE NAME SILVERCHAIR,PLEASE. DANIELxJx : I can't even remember BENxGx : MTVog-- Look, if there's anyone writing in wanting a date, can you put them through, please? CHRISxJx : we thought of it 'cause we needed a name desperately MTVog : They all want dates, Ben- you would be too overworked! BENxGx : Silverchair is a combination of two songs. MTVixen : LlamaSlvr asks: Question : would you ever do a show naked? BENxGx : MTVog- Just one or two. DANIELxJx : I already have for a bet CHRISxJx : did one last night in my dream . . BENxGx : I'd do a show naked. BENxGx : Was it a wet dream, Chris? DANIELxJx : Maybe tomorrow night MTVixen : Beckers13 asks: Question : Ben, wanna go see Beavis and Buttheat Do America with me? BENxGx : Definitely. BENxGx : How old are you? MTVog : DANIELLOV wants to know: Daniel whats your favorite video game?? BENxGx : What's your address? DANIELxJx : Anything with killing BENxGx : dthtdthtdhbtr MTVog : Phisimiji asks: Who would you most like to tour with? BENxGx : The original members of Led Zeppelin. CHRISxJx : if possible MTVog : FirebirdP asks: What advice do you guys have for a talented, young band trying to get noticed? CHRISxJx : do everything that you can to get noticed . . . BENxGx : Don't worry about what people say about you. BENxGx : Play as many original songs as possible. MTVixen : The members of Silverchair are our guests here in the MTV Arena! MTVog : COKIE CAK asks: If you could brake the law in anyway and get away with it, what would you do? BENxGx : Hello to the 1795 people talking to us, and thanks for being here! BENxGx : Steal ten million dollars!!!! CHRISxJx : join Ronny Biggs on another train robbery MTVixen : Slave1979 asks: Question : Are you guys planning on making movie appearances like so many musicians have? BENxGx : Only if it's in a very, very violent movie and I'm the guy who kills everyone. CHRISxJx : if we did , we would be the worst actors ever . . . BENxGx : We're shit actors, don't worry about it. MTVog : ROOSKER asks: do you guys spend all your time singing & writing songs? do you ever have time for just hanging out, watching tv & stuff? BENxGx : We have time for all that stuff. CHRISxJx : yeah we hang out , surf the beach, cause trouble . . . MTVixen : Welcome back onstage Daniel MTVixen : Girlly 09 asks: Question : Have any of you scored yet????? DANIELxJx : Hi I love Sweep BENxGx : You are violating the Gillies cybersystem networks BENxGx : just kidding BENxGx : No CHRISxJx : no. DANIELxJx : no BENxGx : What does "scored" mean? Remember, we're Australian. MTVog : M1ssYMe asks: of all three of you who is the weirdist, wildist, and most perverted? BENxGx : Not me. DANIELxJx : Ben is the wildest and most perverted CHRISxJx : ben: leader of all wildness DANIELxJx : but he is very cool BENxGx : Give me a break, guys. DANIELxJx : It's a compliment babe! BENxGx : You guys are wild. DANIELxJx : Yeah thanks Ben DANIELxJx : Your alright BENxGx : This is the Gillies cybersystem network MTVixen : FunDip4 asks: Question : Did you guys know that people online claim to be you? BENxGx : No, we didn't know. DANIELxJx : Well they're not b/c we don't usually do this stuff CHRISxJx : no but it couldn't be us because i can't use it . . . BENxGx : Yeah, don't even believe this DANIELxJx : Don't believe anything you read on the internet, it's usually made up MTVog : That date you want could be right here, Ben- MTVog : KRISTA386 asks: Question : I was wondering do you ever have trouble with crazy fans at the concerts?oh and by the way us girls cant help it ! you guys are too hot! BENxGx : Do you want a date? BENxGx : I'm looking for a date in New York at the moment. BENxGx : This is the Gillies cybersystem network. MTVixen : Grungeboy asks, MTVixen : I really dig you guys alot but...I was wondering if you realized if you realized the riff in "Leave Me Out" is exactly the same as Black Sabath's "Sweat Leaf" and the riff in "Slave" is the same riff as Mad Season's "I don't Know Anything?" Can you explain? DANIELxJx : Not exactly the same but we know its similar BENxGx : We didn't know, it's a coincidence BENxGx : It wasn't on purpose. Sorry. DANIELxJx : We're happy to sound like Black Sabbath anyway CHRISxJx : we apolagize greatly for the inconvenience MTVixen : Zazzzzz asks: Question : daniel, i saw on a web page that u got it true? (i doubt it, but, hey) BENxGx : I'm married. DANIELxJx : It's not true BENxGx : No I'm not. Anyone want a date? DANIELxJx : Do you know that the Velvet Undergroud song "Sweet Jane" is the same chord progression as a million songs. Just thought I'd add that I am not angry. DANIELxJx : leave me alone MTVog : Tower42 asks: I know you guys are big Tool fans... what yall think of the new album? BENxGx : What's wrong, Daniel? DANIELxJx : It's just as cool as their others CHRISxJx : it's kickass - BENxGx : I love the new album. BENxGx : What's wrong, Daniel? DANIELxJx : nothing leave me alone I am tired BENxGx : Are you upset? DANIELxJx : stop picking on me. I feel bad BENxGx : Why do you feel bad? MTVog : Skeeter16 asks: How do your parents feel about your success? BENxGx : They're supportive of what we have achieved. CHRISxJx : could someone please get Ben a date? -- he's gettin' frisky. DANIELxJx : they are very supportive of what we have achieved DANIELxJx : I am ignoring you Ben BENxGx : Thanks, Chris. At least someone's on my side. DANIELxJx : I'm on your side Ben MTVixen : Smile943 says Comment : Ben- i want 2 go on a date with u, where at? BENxGx : How old are you? BENxGx : Come on!!! BENxGx : What city are you in? MTVixen : Frogfreak asks, MTVixen : Daniel are you the only person that plays guitar in your recording session? Sometimes the album sounds more complex than your live shows? BENxGx : Come to the gig in the city that you live in, and we'll catch up. BENxGx : Comment I love you MTVixen : Okay audience this is your final chance to ask Silverchair a GOOD question so click INTERACT now DANIELxJx : I play more than one guitar track on the album. We like to keep things simple live. MTVixen : Maggie15 asks: Question : Where did you get the idea for the Abuse Me video? BENxGx : This is the Gillies cybersystem network. DANIELxJx : The Gillies cybersystem network sucks! BENxGx : It was mainly thought up by the dude who directed it. CHRISxJx : a guy called Nick Eagan -- swapped ideas w/him MTVog : Shelly234 asks: What would you do if the world was gonna end in 10 min? BENxGx : Go on a quick date with you. DANIELxJx : Go for a jog CHRISxJx : sit and hang on tight . . . DANIELxJx : if I was out of bed DANIELxJx : thats a lie I wouldn't go for a jog. I would stay in bed and get an extra 10 minutes sleep MTVog : ILUVZEP asks: what's with you guys and cold sore cream? it's in 2 songs BENxGx : We get cold sores all over our bodies. DANIELxJx : I had an obsession that week DANIELxJx : I am sorry BENxGx : Like EVERYWHERE! DANIELxJx : Maybe you do Ben CHRISxJx : WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM W/IT -- IT JUST TASTES SOOO GOOD. DANIELxJx : it's probably Herpes BENxGx : John Watson is the coolest guy in the world. MTVixen : Pjm002 asks: Question : Ben, would you ever dress up like a girl? DANIELxJx : I would DANIELxJx : I have BENxGx : I have before and I'll do it again. BENxGx : I'm in touch with my feminine side. MTVog : SuperFly asks: How is the crowd different in Aust. than in USA BENxGx : This is the John Watson cybernet system. BENxGx : They mosh differently. CHRISxJx : US crowds are more rowdy . . . DANIELxJx : what's mosh Ben? BENxGx : Shut up Daniel. DANIELxJx : Just curious MTVixen : RSimandl asks: BENxGx : Thanks Mom for my dry bum. Question : Do you guys have any good luck charms? BENxGx : My smelly shoes. CHRISxJx : i have a pet rock BENxGx : This is the John Watson cybernet system. DANIELxJx : They're not good luck for me BENxGx : John Watson rocks BENxGx : The spliffs are re-forming BENxGx : The Spliffs rock MTVixen : GAKK22 asks: Question : DO YOU PREFER PATTIES OR LINKS IN SAUSAGES?? BENxGx : Links DANIELxJx : I don't eat meat BENxGx : And I've got an inny bellybutton. CHRISxJx : sausages on the BBQ kick ass!!! MTVog : Silver796 asks: Whats the most embarrasing thing to happen to you on stage? BENxGx : This is the John Watson cybernet system. DANIELxJx : I can't think of anything BENxGx : Can't think of anything. I'm sure something will happen soon. CHRISxJx : went to spit -- and spat on m'self BENxGx : Inny bellybuttons rule!!!] BENxGx : This is the Gillies cybernet system. MTVixen : Baker602 asks: Question : when is their birthdays? DANIELxJx : In April BENxGx : 24th of October 1979. CHRISxJx : nov. 10th BENxGx : Send me a present if you feel the need. MTVixen : For the final question tonight, from TrickTUNE: Question : If you could have any super power what would it be? DANIELxJx : to be able to sleep whenever I want CHRISxJx : the best one -- whatever that would be BENxGx : X-ray vision. DANIELxJx : Goodbye and good night. Peace Love & Harmony CHRISxJx : bye -- thanks for your time . . .. DANIELxJx : Happy Valentines day!!!! MTVixen : Thanks to the members of Silverchair (Daniel, Ben & Chris) for joining us here in the MTV Arena. DANIELxJx : bye BENxGx : Thank you everybody for coming. You're all the best. BENxGx : I love you all. BENxGx : Good night. MTVixen : And thanks to our audience for their questions, and participation. For a transcript of this event, keyword: mtvarena, and then see the 'Vaults/Transcripts' area. CYA later.