The sophomore jinx is talked about in all walks of life, including sports and with musicians. Fans and record company executives wondered aloud about this jinx hitting the Australian band silverchair, especially when the debut album (Frogstomp) has gone multiplatinum. silverchair seemed relaxed about the whole thing as no doubt befits a teenage trio of Aussies with a love of surfing and music. Anxiety seems to have been out of place. Let's get the age/style issue out on the table. Band members Daniel Johns (vocals, guitar), Chris Joannou (bass) and Ben Gillis (drums) are 17 years old. And, yes, when Frogstomp came out, they were 15, and their mothers accompanied them on their world tour. Frogstomp's music was taped by the band and handed over to Epic, and silverchair did not participate in any of the post taping work. Now the band members are 17, and this tour the moms are home in Australia. They aren't hardened rockers yet, and the young girls love them. With Freak Show, silverchair does much of what it did on Frogstomp, and that's grunge, Seattle-style. In the new album there are forays into other areas - a little diversity in the music, a little punk ("Lie to Me"), and even a quiet ballad ("Cemetery"). silverchair would like to establish themselves as something other than Pearl Jam or Nirvana clones. Lead singer Johns bears a superficial resemblance to Kurt Cobain. The sound, his looks, the trio aspect brings out the taunts of "Nirvana in Diapers" and "Kinder(Sound)garden". The band hopes this album will take them a step away from all that. Unfortunately for this goal, with the large amount of grunge on the album, and Johns can really sound like Cobain making the listener wonder who's zooming who. Computer-savvy fans will be happy to learn that Freak Show is a CD extra with free multimedia that can be seen and heard on certain computers. The video is crystal clear as is the audio. The entire multimedia show is themed on a freak show which seems to be what the band feels like on tour. Freak Show is an absolute must for silverchair fans who will love the multimedia show if they have computers. The music is not too far afield from the debut album so it won't shock those who learned to love them with Frogstomp. But, if you turned up your nose at Frogstomp, you won't find enough advancement here to win you over. That sophomore jinx, you know.... [Thanx To Rachel For The Transcript]