Ben:G'day this is Ben
Chris: This is Chris
B: And we're silverchair
Interveiw Guy: How old are you guys now?
IG:Do you feel 18?
B:I was only joking I'm 16
IG: Oh really ok.
B:But it was really cool that you believed I was 18..... actually I was joking agian I'm 10.
IG:Are you looking foward to puberty?
B: It was pretty funny when all all our voices were breaking huh? (background laughing)
IG: Was that happening?
B: It would be like hello (goes high pitch) hello. you know a lot of squeaks.
C: We were walking at the stage and it was backstage and we couldn't find our way to the stage.
IG:Where was this?
B: That was in Australia dude.
C:No there was a time here.
IG: Yeah but still like Spinal Tap Anywhere in the world I mean like Spinal Tap toured the world and beyond
C:Of course
B: Yeah it was like two nights ago we were playing (BURP!) I had to do that I'm sorry.
IG: Don't excuse yourself.
B:Well yeah we were playing this place in Sydney and um and we couldn't like find the gig. It was just impossible we were like walking everywhere we were walking through this restraunt like all this posh restraunt you know like all these old farts there sitting down in their nice suits and shit. And we just couldn't find it. It was a joke.
IG: Can I ask you at this point how old is an old fart?
C:oh you know
B: Grey hair, wrinkles, kinda stuff.
C: Round middle age.
B: Yeah you can generally say old fart.
IG: Future? College? or are you gonna continue with the music?
C: I doubt I'll be at college or university or whatever it's called.
B: Yeah probably(burp) excuse me probably keep.. stick with the music.
IG: So what can we expect from the second record? You guys said at first maybe you were influenced by Pearl Jam somewhat then you got bored with it you moved on to something else. You guys took your sound a different way. Is it going to be a drastic change for the next record?
B: I reckon its going to be a lot darker a lot heavier and darker. Probably not as commercial as the first album. you know it won't have the Tomorrows or the Shades on it. It will have more like Isreal's Son , Undecided kinda songs on it.
B:Or probably a lot heavier and darker than them.
IG: What are you listening to now?
Ben: Helmet.
C: Yeah... Well actually they're the same.
B: Helmet, Rollins, Quicksand,
IG:So what advice would you give to another band of 15 and 16 year olds who are about to go on the road?
B:Don't do any promo. Don't like do any press.
IG:Now wait a minute you don't mean like any press.
B: Yeah none because like...
IG: No radio?
B: Ok radio's alright because like they can actually hear what your saying but don't do any um magazines or papers.
IG:Because your worried about being misquoted?
B: Yeah because they're like you say something and they'll all turn it around to something else.
IG: That's what were going to do later in the studio.
B: Oh right right your gonna turn it around so were going afdaskfjasks;aflkasj;fdlkj, like that.
IG: So if the next record stiffs you gonna get grounded?
C: No.
B: Yeah probably.