Kim: Welcome back to live in Toronto. I'm Kim we are here at Thunderbird Stadium in Vancouver where Edgefest is underway. silverchair with us now about to go on stage in a little bit. We have Daniel and Ben from the group. Welcome and nice to see you again. This is your first date on the tour. Are there any bands that you know of so far? Like any of the Canadian bands maybe that your going to try and see?
Daniel: Uh, we really only know The Tea Party, yeah, but they pretty much rock the house so we'll watch.
Kim: They actually just got back from a tour of Australia. They were telling me they were playing like I guess the level of venue, there's like pavillion and another theatres is that the right word? like pavillion level? and they did really great.
Ben: There's an Australian TV show called Recovery which is on Sunday morning, which is like the music program and we saw them on that and we really liked them.
Kim: So let's talk about something interesting you guys just worked on the Spawn soundtrack.Excellent track. Did you have a chance to.. like were you fans of the comic book at all? Is that how you got involved or were you just approached to do it and were intrigued by the idea?
Daniel: We were just intrigued by the idea. We haven't even heard of it really. We just thought you know comics are cool. So if they're going to make a movie from a comic can't be a bad thing.
Kim: So who sort of lead the session more? Was it you guys leading or in terms of recording.
Daniel:We weren't actually in the studio at the same time. We just went in recorded the song. Worked up an original version of it. Then we sent it off to Vitro and they remixed it in thier studio and yeah that was it.
Kim: It was sort of a similar idea with the, I think, Judgement Night soundtrack, where they took rock and roll bands and pared them up with hip-hop groups. This is sort of the same thing except rock bands with more electronic. Did you hear that on the soundtrack at all?
Ben:Yeah. We um heard the song done by - I haven't heard all the soundtrack but the one done by Helmet and House of Pain we heard that but actually the same, I think the same guy that kind of pulled it all together did, has done both albums.
Kim: So otherwise how's your summer been going? I mean is this tour almost done for Freak Show or are you heading back home pretty soon or what's the deal?
Daniel: We've got one last tour after this of Australia and that's the end of the Freak Show phase.
Kim: And have you already started working on new songs? I mean do you see a new album in sight or are you just going to relax and take some time off?
Ben: We've got a lot of time off next year just to kind of chill out because we - we would have finish school and we're just gonna chill out and do nothing and do the things we wanted to do for the past three or four years. Yeah but after that the we'll start. Well actually during then we'll be writting I guess then toward like the middle or the end of next year then we'll record the new album I guess or probably toward the end.
Kim Well thanks a lot for you time today. Welcome back to Canada and best of luck in the future