"Not really," claims super-laid-back drummer Ben Gillies. "We've just got an album with our name on now. Nothin' else seems to have changed, and if any one of us gets big-headed the other two will pile on him."
What's more worrying to Ben than the thought of either guitarist/vocalist Daniel Johns or bassist Chris Joannou going on a bit of a rock star bender is the thought of getting chased by teenybop magazines over here the way he does at home.
"The pop papers keep picking up on us in Australia," he snorts. "They keep asking us for interviews and we keep turning them down. One mag resorted to chasing us while we were on our school bus! We're not into the fame shit. Hype sucks a big one!"
And school?
"It's all right," reckons Ben. "We're gonna stick it out until we're 18, just in case the arse-end falls out of the band!"
Not that that looks likely to happen, with Sony getting very excited about silverchair.
"We're into bands like Helmet and Soundgarden, the darker side of rock. Our one question is always 'Can you mosh to it?' People in Europe seem to think they can mosh to us, which is good."
silverchair have only spent three days to date in the U.K., which would be "legendary, if it was warmer and had a beach."
The British music scene, however, is even more of a mystery to the band.
Terrorvision? "Never heard of 'em!"
Manic Street Preachers? "Are they, like, a techno band?"
Never mind. There's plenty of time for this unlikely success story to learn about us, just as we'll be learning much more about them.
silverchair's debut U.K. release -- a four-track EP featuring pure massacre, Acid Rain, Blind and Stoned -- will be avalible in June, with a full-length album, frogstomp, hitting stores in July.