Ticketmaster Chat

Silverchair says: Hello, all, I have arrived!
Silverchair says: Yeah, it's cold, but showers are quick. 
From Stomp: Where do people's bra's and stuff go when people throw them on the stage?Does that annoy you? Also, just wanted to say that your music kicks ass, and Daniel your eyebrow rocks! 
Silverchair says: Bras and all that kind of stuff on stage makes us laugh. We usually take them home and wear them. 
From Michelle Baxter: Guys, do you want to hang out after the show on the 25th of April,
me and a couple of my attractive single friends will be there. Or before or whatever, we're
skipping school that day, we live in Pickering not Missasauga it's an hour away. Okay, too much info. huh?
Silverchair says: Sure thing, what can we do?
Silverchair says: This is a Gillies Cybernet System Network. 
Silverchair says: Is Extreme Pain there? 
Congratulations to Cory McCormack of Orange Park, FL. He's won an autographed band
photo, Freak Show CD, and TMO t-shirt from Ticketmaster Online!
From Stomp@dickinson.ctctel.com: What was one of your strangest encounters with a fan, or the wierdest piece of fan mail you got? 
Silverchair says: I had one experience where this girl was totally naked, and she was trying to jump on me, and that was pretty weird. 
Congratulations to Ti Jae Wylie of Fullerton, CA. He's won an autographed band photo,
Freak Show CD, and TMO t-shirt from Ticketmaster Online!
From SChairGirl: When did u decide to start a band?
Silverchair says: We didn't really decide, it just kind of happened, but we formed in 1992.
From Iggy: What bands do you like?? 
Silverchair says: Tool, Korn, Rage Against the Machine, Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, Quicksand,
Minor Threat...anything heavy, really. 
Congratulations to Becky Carter of Manassas, VA. She's won an autographed band photo,Freak Show CD, and TMO t-shirt from Ticketmaster Online!
Ben says: Any girls out there want to go on a date?
Congratulations to Marci Sanders of Ontario, NY. She's won an autographed band photo,
Freak Show CD, and TMO t-shirt from Ticketmaster Online!
From Iggy: How old are you guys again.?
Silverchair says: We are all seventeen, nearly eighteen. 
From John@sympatico.ca: I am 15 and my band is covering your song "Tomorrow" at a
school show on Friday. Do you mind people covering your songs?
Silverchair says: I really couldn't give a sh** who covers our songs. 
Congratulations to our grand prize winner Loren Webb of Chester Spring, PA. He's won
an autographed MLY snowboard from Ticketmaster Online!
From Joel Harrison (joelharrison@hotmail.com): I just wanted to know how hard it is to
start a demo tape if you don't have much money.
Silverchair says: Scab off your parents. Or anyone that you can. Our first demo tape only cost
$150.00, and that was Australian money, so it would probably be about $100.00 American. 
From Iggy: Do you guys smoke dope?
Silverchair says: NO. We drink. 
From Teie: Hey the lead singer is cute.
Silverchair says: What about the drummer?
Silverchair says: It's cool, but sometimes it's a bit cold. But other than that, we like it a lot. 
From jennyc@alphalink.com.au: why has the style of your music changed so much?
Silverchair says: I think it's because of the bands we've been listening to over the last eighteen
From LUCKY STAR, SWEET STAR AND SILVER STAR: If you could be anywhere
right now where would you be?
Silverchair says: Anywhere where it's hot, and it's got a beach..and beautiful girls, as well...
From kelli@rogerswave.ca: What inspired you to become musicians?? 
Silverchair says: Nothing in particular, we were just bored.
From peirce@mail.coos.or.us: WHEN IS YOUR NEXT CD COMING OUT?
Silverchair says: Most probably next year some time, but we're not sure. We have to record it first.

Silverchair says: Thanks for asking all the questions, if we have another internet chat, I hope you will all be there.

Thanks to everyone for being here tonight...our apologies for the slow speed, but this chat
has broken all previous records of user response! Thanks for playing along at home
tonight, and thanks again to silverchair for joining us!

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