Back Yard Blues

A Western Wisconsin Underground Blues Page

* Please Read bottom of page for important information!

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Check out this cool new song here(.wav)**

Email J. Long at with comments about the song. Thanks.

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Since December 25, 1997

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** Song © 1998 J. Long

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This page hasn't been updated for quite some time. I have no time to update it nor do have enough information to update. I am very sorry to say this, but the Back Yard Blues website may be no more. I am still a full supporter of the local blues scence, however, I am just too busy these days with school and work. I hope that you have enjoyed this page while it has lasted. And I would like to thank everyone who has emailed me no matter if it was a "good" email or "bad"; I will accept either. Once again, I am sorry to do this and I really don't want to shut this page down, but, it looks like I have to. Thank you. Please continue to support your local blues scene; where ever you may live!

J. Long