Homebirth Canberra exists to maintain responsible homebirth as a viable alternative to birth in hospital. We have supported over 700 homebirths since our formation in 1976. We provide women and their families with referrals to doctors, midwives and chilbirth educators supportive of natural childbirth.

We provide all essential birth equipment: the doctor and midwives use medical equipment supplied by the Association, and families hire birth kits and sterile bundles. We also provide practical and emotional support in the form of antenatal and parenting groups, access to birth helpers and information about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting. For further study or education we provide access to research material and locally made videos.

The Association is a non-profit orginisation consisting of individuals , families, professionals and interested people who support and particiapte in birth at home.

Based on sound research and our own experiences, we believe that birth at home, for medically screened women whose pregnancies are normal and healthy, is a safe and beneficial way for the newborn to start it's life. We feel that it is extremely important that the family not be seperated at this time, because the minutes, hours and days after birth are very special for 'bonding' and the future health of the family.