Welcome to Bliss' Page

Her full name is

Brentaryl's Bliss of Willomnt

(Ch. Gunyea's Durango x Brentaryl's Baraque Eliza)

Bliss, now 4 years old, was our first German Shepherd in many years.

She is a real sweetheart with good structure, sweet disposition and

outstanding bloodlines.  We look for her to be a REAL Producer.

So, without further delay, here is the "Old Lady" of

Stardust's German Shepherds


It is highly unlikely that pictures, or words, can express what a joy it is to have Bliss as a part of our family.

It is our sincere hope that each dog that becomes a part of your life will give you as much love and devotion

as our Bliss gives to us. 

Though she is not a "Champion of Record", she is and always will be a "Champion of our Hearts".

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