Welcome to Guido's Home Page!

Guido is Canadian by birth and was bred by Sue Madlung, of Shadowacre's Kennels.

His full name is

Shardowacre's Hitman

(Can. Ch. FV. Shadowacre's X Files v Nicowynd x Shadowacre's Ursa)

At three, Guido is one of the most handsome dogs I have ever had the pleasure

to be associated with.  He has his own distinct personality, rules the kennel and

thinks that Bliss is the greatest thing since sliced bread!  They are inseperable

and we hope to have some Guido x Bliss puppies, soon.   Guido is good with

children, loves my daughter and loves any attention you are willing to give him.

He is a pleasure to have in our family, he is structurally correct and is one

Great Looking dog!  Care to take a look?  Here goes.......


We've watched Guido grow into a beautiful loving dog; but, our greatest pleasure

has been to watch the bond develop between him and our daughter, Allison.

Thanks, Guido, for being so special and Thanks to Sue for allowing him to

become a part of our family.

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