Welcome to Mandy's Home Page.
Mandy is also Canadian Born; and, she also came to us through the
efforts of Sue Madlung. Mandy is also a very, very special young lady.
Her full name is still in the works; but, we hope you will come to
recognize her name as...
Woodside's Stardust Amanda
(Amer./Can. Ch. Can. 2x Select Woodside's Khemosabi x Echolane's Quixtar Woodside)
Like us, you will have the opportunity to see Mandy grow and develop into the "Lady" she is destined to become.
Personality Plus, she has already won our hearts and she promises to be everything we could ask for in disposition, intelligence and structure.
Her correct structure enables her to move with grace and ease. She is truly a pleasure to watch and we invite you to come back to her page to watch her progress. As she is "all legs" at the moment (at 8 1/2 months) we will wait until the fall to introduce her to the show ring. We are truly excited at having this young lady join our family. We think you will like her, too.
To see her parents and pedigree, please click on the picture below.
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