Set up a "shop" in front of your house and sell your brother's stuff.
Blow a bubble SO big it will have to be cut from your hair!
On Christmas Eve, don't forget to put out milk and cookies....or hot chocolate, if you prefer.
Open a box of Cracker Jack at the bottom to get to the prize first!
Make faces in the mirror.
Rub your face in a cat's soft stomach!
Blow soap bubbles - lots of them!
If you see a stranger carrying a box, ask if there is a puppy inside.
Stick a pin in a balloon for no reason at all!
Next time you go swimming, play Marco Polo.
Buy some Bugles and stick them on the ends of your fingers.
Wish on the first star you see every night.
Go outside in your dress and play.
Bug your parents.
Eat with your mouth open!
Take a straw and blow bubbles in your chocolate!
Look for Scooby Snacks everywhere you go.
Play with your food again - mashed potato mountains and gravy lakes. Peas for trees!
Let your dog eat from your fork at the dinner table.
Step on a beer can so it clamps to your shoe and makes a lot of noise when you walk!
Clothespin baseball card to your bike so they hit the spokes when you ride around.
Have a Kool-Aid stand
Shoot suction cup darts at your sister!
Play in puddles.
Drink out of two straws - so that when you take a drink, it squirts the person in front of you!
Go to the park and play.
Buy yourself a "Happy Meal" just for the toy.
Look for twigs and follow the way they are pointing!
Look up at the clouds as you walk and hope you don't bump into anything!
After it rains, go outside and get really, really muddy.
Catch a bunch of fireflies, put them in a glass jar and pretend you made a really cool flashlight!
Lie down on the sidewalk and have someone trace your outline with chalk, then color yourself to look like your Mom or Dad.
Run into the house and yell at the top of your lungs where you're going and run back out before anyone can answer!
Have someone help you blow your nose.
Buy a Beanie Baby, then stick it in your pocket and walk around with it all day long!
On your next birthday, when you open your presents, stick the bows all over yourself.
Lie on your back and make a snow angel.
Go ice skating.
Collect and wear Tweetybird items.
Play Barbies with a friend.
Skip down the sidewalk!
Play foursquare.
Lie on the ground and see what things you see in the sky....a bird?
a witch? maybe a gargoyle?
Walk around in a small stream with the mud squishing between your toes
while you look for pollywogs and tadpoles.
Eat out the middle of your Oreos.
Dump out all the cereal in the box to get to the toy, then ask someone
else to put it back because you're not hungry after all!
When driving in your car, roll your windows all the way down and sing
the "I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys-R-Us kid" song as loud as
you possible can!
Make sure you don't step on any cracks as you're walking down the
Fill somebody's pillowcase full of those plastic eggs that nylon
stockings came in.
Say "Bread-and-butter" every time you and your partner walk on opposite
sides of a phone pole.
Slide down the stairs on your bum.
Run around the couch yelling, "Go, Go, Go"
Sleep with a fuzzy teddy bear.
Cuddle a lot.
Put lots of toys in the bathtub.
Let a lady bug crawl up your arm.
Watch Mary Poppins.
Chase the wind.
Laugh out loud.
Get tickled.
Take off your shoes and socks, go outside, and run once around the
house bare-footed in the snow.
Go roller skating for hours on end...and enjoy every minute of it...
Practice standing on your head.
Call the radio station to cancel (due to snow)a function
that does not exist and
have them announce it.
In the fall, make a leaf house.
Fly a kite - if it hits the ground,
the world blows up (so everyone chases the kite to catch it before it hits the ground!).
Play Red Light/Green Light.
Search the cemetery for the oldest grave.
Go frog hunting.
Go to a diner and play "Spot the Looney" pointing at
someone with your finger
under your nose.
Make a prank phone call. As soon as someone picks up,
wait a few seconds then
hang up.
Do this 5 times in a row.
Point to that invisible spot on someone's chest,
and know what to do :-)
Embarass anyone with your funniest behavior.
Go to the park and play on the swings
If your break something say, "Rut row."
Ask for a sucker at the bank drive-thru for yourself, too!
Enjoy a thunderstorm and when it is over
and the sun is shining,
your shoes off and
splash in the puddles.
Let your dog give you a big wet sloppy kiss in the mouth.
Eat just the pepperoni off the pizza.
~Sharon B~
Catch some baby frogs, put them in your
right pants pocket, and
carry earthworms
in the left, then show them to
everyone you meet.
Stick straws up your nose in MacDonald's and
make faces at each
person that walks by!
Play 'tether ball' in the park,or 'box hockey'
or 'paddle ball' or
just swing until you
go over the high bar!
Play on the slide with sand thrown on to go faster.
Find a large cardboard box, cut it open,
and slide down a hill on
the street.
Play stickball in the street, and 'tag out' cars
as they come
through (best on dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs)
Fly a brightly colored kite until it is VERY high
in the air, then
just let it go
Play frisbee in the park with your dog, or your friends,
periodically throwing it to someone NOT playing!
Throw a baseball over the neighbor's fence just so
you can go see
what's in their backyard.
Kiss the litle girls just to make them cry
(this could be
dangerous now, but *heck*, I grew up in the 50s!)
Draw faces on your fingertips and talk to the faces,
giggle with them and let them
whisper in your ear.
Do that everywhere you go for a whole day.
Don't forget to draw the faces on your toes as well :)
When driving down the road, watch for Volkswagons
and slug the person next to you,
saying, "Slug bug!"
Don't forget to say the color of the car or it won't count!
~Frank & Charlotte~
Read under the covers with a flashlight after bedtime!
Start a tickle-fight
Play jump rope
Pick a bunch of dandelions, and give them to someone you
love and cry if
they don't put them in the prettiest vase!
Eat a Fudgesicle outside when it's 100 degrees F
and lick up the drips all
over your hands
Play on all the toys at the playground,
even the one that spins around!
When you're done with your gum, ask someone if they
want some ABC Gum
(Already Been Chewed)
Run because the wind in your face feels so good!
Color outside the lines, with the "wrong" colors
Put red jello in your friend's shower head
Have a tomato or veggie fight with your Mom's garden
Catch snowflakes on your tongue
Make an "Angel" in the snow
~Linda Lou~
Get some friends together & play Simon Says.
Curl up with a good book and when someone says,
"How about doing the dishes?"
pretend not to hear or
say, "Yes," and not move.
Play doctors & nurses.
Take whole olives with the pits taken out and
put one on every finger and pretend they are
monster claws.
When it is snowing, look up into the snow and
when it feels like you are floating,
yell, "Hey I'm floating up in the air - grab
me before I float away!"
Buy a yellow rubber ducky and play with it in a bathtub full of bubbles.