There are some I endorse and embrace.
There are others I do not.
And still, I believe there is much to be learned and
experienced in each.
Please feel free to explore any and all that you wish.
If you have a site, or know of a site that would be appropriate
for this page, please let me know.
To me, it is the trip that is important. Stop wondering when you're going
to get there, and look out the window!
When you pull over, get out and enjoy where you are.
If you find yourself somewhere you don't want to be, move on.
Treat each other decently. Remember your manners. Especially use them
with those you love - we seem to be least courteous to our loved ones.
There are miracles and wonders all around us!
Don't fret.
Relish in your friends - is there a more wonderful blessing?
Respect nature.
We are all One.
There is enough.
All we need is Love.
Laugh a lot.
Laugh some more.
Laugh again!