Frequently Asked Questions

In the past I have recieved many emails and some questions have repeatedly been asked, so I thought I would take this opportunity to answer some of these questions on my site. If you have any questions not answered here please feel free to write me at the address appearing at the bottom of the page.

What programs do you use to make your backgrounds?

I use Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro.

How do you make the 'indented' look?

I do this using Paintshop Pro 5. I use a combination of the Cutout and Drop shadow functions and adjust the values to fit the effect that I am looking for, I also use Eye Candy Plug-ins to do the same on Photoshop 4.

Do I have to put up one of your banners or buttons?

No! You can put up a banner or button if you choose, but a text link back to my page is perfectly fine, As long as there is some sort of link back to my page.

Do I have to put a link on every background I use?

Well, If you use a number of backgrounds throughout your site and you have a link page of sorts, you can just add a link or button/banner there. But if you use only one of my backgrounds, please put the link on that page.

What do you consider a commercial web site?

If you are selling something or promoting a service which you charge for, you have a commerial web site. Basically, if money may change hands as a result of your page then it is considered commercial. Although Charity, non-profit organizations, and free services are sometimes considered commercial, I do not consider them as such. If you are unsure if your site fits into the commercial category, write me and I will let you know:)

What if I have a commercial site? Is there any way i can still use your backgrounds?

Yes indeed there is. I ask for a small donation from those that want to use them for commercial sites ($10 Min.); After all, you are making money on your site! Help me keep this site free for the personal pages. Write me for further information, and be aware, if you send me your link and information on your intentions, I may grant you free use even if it is considered a commercial site. This I have done several times.

I liked your work, but I didn't find anything that fit my pages. Can you make me a custom background?

Sometimes, Yes. If time permits and I am not already bogged down with requests, I will see what i can do to help you, but the more specific you are in your request, the easier it is for me to help you. If I do not have time, I will often try to point you to some sites that may have what you are looking for, again the more specific you are the easier I can help you. At this time Custom backgrounds are free, but if I get too many requests I may have to start charging a small fee to for my time and efforts, But I hope to keep everything free:) Also, please keep in mind that I do get many requests for custom backgrounds and graphics, so please do not take advantage of my services! I love to help others out as much as I can, but please understand that I may have to limit the number of graphics I create for each person.

Why are your backgrounds free?

I love to help other people out whenever I can and this gives me a perfect outlet for my creative senses as well as something to keep myself busy.

Do you accept donations?

Of course! Anything helps me too keep my services free for everyone. I do not ask for money, but I always enjoy gifts:) Don't we all hehehehhe

How often do you update your page?

I try to update as often as possible but do to the high demand for my services, I am not always able to update monthly as I would like to. Whenever I have a free chance to update I do so. Look at the top of the main page for update Dates.

Who are you Brat?

Check out the All about Brat Page for answers to this question.

All About Brat

Why don't I see character backgrounds and things of that sort?

I hate to break copyright laws and prefer to keep this site specializing in original works. I do have a few things up that I have created using artwork done by other individuals, but proper credit is given where needed. All backgrounds made with artwork by Cryslynn were donated to me for my own free use by my sister. If, however, you are looking for character type backgrounds, let me know. I do have a wide collection of these, they just will not be put up on the site. When using these type backgrounds on a personal web page they usually fall into the fair use category but when on a page such as mine for distribution, this is not the case. So, I will make such backgrounds for people if time allows, I just will not have them posted on my site.

Can I use any of your personal backgrounds, the ones not in the gallery areas?

No. There are certain background that I have created for my own personal use. You may only use the backgrounds found within the linked pages and designated as backgrounds for use.

I hope that this page helped to clear up some questions you may have had. If you still have questions for me please feel free to write me.