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BF & AP Twins AP Links and Mailing Lists

What is Attachment Parenting?
Dr. William and Martha Sears have written numerous books on
Attachment Parenting such as The Baby Book. Here is an exerpted part of Nighttime Parenting.

Here are some great AP links.

What is Attachment Parenting?
A wonderful article written by by Jan Hunt, M.Sc..
The Natural Family Site
AlternaMoms Unite!
Kelly's Attachment Parenting
Maya's World
Birth to Three: Infants rest a lot easier if parents sleep nearby
A very interersting article written by Sue Mazzone.
Attachment Parenting
Nurturing Online
The Whole Family Attachment Parenting Association
Empathic Parenting
Kathy's Place
Attachment Parenting International
For the Love of Parenting
FAQ on Spoiling Baby
Link from La Leche League International.
Co-Sleeping - Another Way to Promote Infant Health
Link from San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition
What is Attachment Parenting?
by Amy Scott

The Natural Child Project
Are you instersted in meeting like minded parents?
Here are some e-mail lists for you.

This list is for parents who are interested in Attachment Parenting and their twins, triplets, quads or more!
SAH-AP mailing list
This list is for Stay-at-Home AP parents.
WOH2SAH-AP Email List
This list is for AP parents working out of the home.
PGAP Mailing List
The Pregnancy and Attachment Parenting mailing list.
This list which focuses on extended breastfeeding and attachment parenting.
Pumping Moms Information Exchange
Support for other moms who are pumping/expressing milk for their babies.

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