You talk about them 24/7
You have dreams when you marry them
You eat, sleep, and breathe BSB
Every time you se them, you freak out
You have taped every performance of them on TV
You beat up your best friend when she didnt tell you when they were on TV and you missed it
Your nephew recognizes Brian as Uncle Brian (Its bound to happen anyways. Now if he would just cooperate...)
You have posters of your favorite Backstreet Boy on the ceiling so hes the last thing you see before you go to sleep
You have memorized every quote they have ever said
You know the shoe size of your favorite Backstreet Boy
Your mother knows the stats of all of the boys
You get someone else hooked on the BSB
You accidentally call your boyfriend by your favorite Backstreet Booys name
You find yourself doddling your favorite boys name all over any papers you get your hands on
You already have your wedding planned out.
When people ask your boyfriends name, you accidentally say your favorite boys name
You have made it your lifes ambition to become a singer cause you might be able to meet them
Your friends finally tell you to shut up about the BSB
You have your own BSB web page
You have a BSB folder in your favorite places.
You fall asleep with your CD player on repeat hoping to dream of them
You go to Michigan and figure your practically in Canada anyways, so you drive 5 hours just to get that CD that isnt released in the US
You have named anything (stuffed animals, pets, nicknames) after the guys
You have a nickname that has anything to do with the boys
You talk to them like they are really there
Your favorite guys fav color becomes your fav color
You didnt even know there were other web sites besides Backstreet Boy ones
You ask your boyfriend to dye his hair blonde, cause then he would look a little more like Nick
You call the radio station so much to request BSB songs, its number one on your speed dial, and the DJ recognizes your voice
You went to Orlando just because you might have a chance at meeting the guys
You took a picture of your favorite guys house, and cruise the streets hoping to find his house
The face of your favorite picture of your favorite guy is covered in lipstick
Your friends have already bought the blenders for you and your favorite BSB's wedding
You only date guys whos names match your fav BSB's name
Your new favorite sports team is your favorite guys favorite sports team
You start saying your guys favorite phrase all the time
You get people who used to hate them to be just as obsessed with them as you are
You have spent over $200 in BSB stuff
Everytime you see a Jeep Cherokee you look for the "B-Rok" liscence plate