The Creator of this Page

   Hey! Well this is a page about me. The creator
of this web page. Here is some info for you guys. 
On the left is this dumb survey that got passed
around aol and I thought that might give you
some useless info about me. Hey you can even copy
paste and send it to your friends!  well anyway
I hope you are havign a good time surfing my page. E-mail
me with comments and suggestions. =)


Full Name: Sarah Jane Onstott
Birthday: June 15, 1985 
Birth Place: Denever, Colorado. 
Current Residence: Arvada Colorado
Family: Mom-Susan, Dad- Steve, sisters- 
   Milissa and Kristen and brother-Michael.
   (I'm the youngest)

 My Hobbies:

Acting, singing, writing, Colorguard,
drumming, surfing the web, making web pages,
watching TV or movies, listening to music.

Other things I do

*play in the rain
*cook for no reason
*talk on the internet to people I've never met

New News?
   None. I am currently newless.

Contacting me: 
    I have aol and a few other places you might be 
able to reach me to chat.

AOL: Amythyst03
YAHOO: stars_s
EXCITE: wc_magick


I jsut thought that if you cared about looking who 
I am you might as well wanta see who are my friends.
 Of course these are just there names, but  oh well. 
They also deserve credit for having to listen to me 
complain about complete nothingness. Thanks guys!

Mandy, Soleil
Kate, Angie 
Ashley, Elizabeth 
Eric, Kerri 
Steph, Becky

The AOL Survey

   This survey gets passed around a lot on AOL (some
people just add to the questions with some of there own). 
In anycase, i am bored so I'll put it on here.
Copy and paste it, send it to your friends. 
Its a great way to get to know someone. Even if the
questions have almost no importance to life. =)


*Name: Sarah
*Nickname(s): Sari
*Birthday: 06/15
*Age: 14
*Born In: Colorado
*City/State you live in: Arvada
*Boy/Girlfriend: None

*What are you afraid of?: Losing someone
*Do you wear contacts or glasses? niether
*Describe what you look like: origanally brown, 
                              now red, 5'6. green eyes
*What's your personality type? humorus, listens a lot, 
    gives advice no one takes but tends to be right.

*Most Embarrasing Moment: u want to know all of them?
*Your future kids names: boys: James girls: Jordan
*Who are the people that know the most about you: 
     Eric, Taylor, Mandy, Kate, Soleil and my mom
*Ice Cream: Pepperment
*Food: Pinapple Pizza
*Dessert: homemade chocolate chip cookies
*Vegetable: carrots
*Fruit: Pinapple
*Meat: I hardly eat any meat
*Candy: Snickers
*Gum: Don't really chew gum
*Beverage: Dr. Pepper
*Movie: I can't possibly have one. But I love Armeggedon
*Channel: WB2
*T.V Show: 2 many, but X-Files is one of them
*Talk show: Rosie 
*Actress: none
*Actor:  lots of them
*Cartoon: don't watch cartoons
*Season: summer
*Mammel: dolphin
*Brand of clothing: anything comfy is fine with me
*Clothing Store: Target
*Group/Singer: BSB and N'Sync
*song: right now? The Meaning of Christmas
*Theme Song to a movie: that one that plays on the 
    WB when they show the actors. I love that song
*Place to visit: The Beach
*Color: black and dark green
*Jewelry To Wear: key necless, but don't wear it much
*Place To Be: With friends
*Number: 6, 3, 15
*Flower: roses

         YOUR FUTURE SIDE...
*Dream Car: Forest green Jeep Wrangler
*Career/Family: sucessful actress and yes I want a family
*Where are you going to live: by the Beach in CA
*Are you ever going to marry:  yep
*Do you want to have kids: of course 
*Are you going to College: Yes
*Where do you see yourself in 5 years: acting college
*Where do you see your self in 10 years: acting in  
         HAVE YOU EVER...
*Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? not yet
*Drank alcohol?  yes but I think it is sick
*Smoke? nope
*Done drugs? never have never will
*Broken the law?  I think Mandy would 
                          know the answer to that one. =)
*Ran away from home? no
*Broken a bone? does my teeth count?
*Cheated on a test? in like a 2nd grade spelling test
*Skinny dipped? no
*Played strip poker? no
*Played Truth Or Dare? yeah a few times
*Flashed someone? no
*Mooned Someone? no
*Kissed someone you didn't know? no
*Been in a fight? vebal, yes physical, no.
*Rode in a fire truck? I have been in one
*Been on a plane? no
*Come close to dying? I could have and never known about it
*Cheated on your Boy/Girl friend? no
*Eaten a worm/mud pie?  gross!
*Swam in the ocean? no. I wish though
*Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? yes
*Abortion?  its murder
*Bill Clinton? could care less
*Rap? bad
*Country?  a few songs are good
*Alternative? definatly not
*Heavy Metal? hate it
*Classical? used to love it, not anymore
*Oldies? some of them are ok if I'm in the mood
*Soap Operas? used to love them, now I ask myself,  
             what was I thinking?

         WHAT IS...
*Your good luck charm? My key neckless
*The worst song you've ever heard? Barbie Girl
*Best song you've ever heard? depends
*Your bedroom like? sorta clean with countless pics of 
         BSB and N'Sync and a few autographed ones 
         of other celebrities and way to bright.
*Your favorite thing for breakfast? Cinninniom toast Crunch
*Your favorite thing for lunch ? don't eat lunch
*Your favorite thing for dinner? pinapple pizza
         WHICH IS BETTER...
*Coke or Pepsi?  pepsi
*One pillow or two?  2
*Pools or hot tubs?   pool
*TV or radio? both
*Bike or Rollerblades? Bike
*Cookies or Cake? cookies
*Peace/ying yang/smiley face? all smiles for me
*T.V. or Computer: TV
*Dairy Queen or TCBY: DQ
*Beach or Pool: Beach
*Internet or Phone: both 
*Day or Night: night 
         DO YOU...
*Enjoy parks?  yes
*Like Picnic's? yeah
*Like School? little bit
*Like the color pink? umm... sunset pink yes
*Collect anything? yep. angels
*Like to sing? totally
*Like to shop?  yeah I guess
*Like to Party?   depends on who with

great survey right? well anyway it took up some time =). 
Have fun answering the questions. =)


people care about me and my friends