
Overview of Buddhist Pastoral Activities
Buddhism is a religion of peace and is an inspiring
alternative for the new generation. The North-West Centre for Buddhist Meditation
is one of several local centres doing its best to provide a range of Buddhist pastoral
activies for the thousands of Buddhists living and working in the UK:
- Courses: Courses in English on meditatation and
Buddhism are held regularly our centre. See details and reserve online below.
- Observation of Buddhist Festivities: Thanks to the
presence of several resident monk we are able to observe most of the festivals in
the Thai Buddhist calendar.
- Monastic Invitations: Invitations for house-warming,
birthdays, funeral rites and memorial ceremonies can be arranged by appointment.
- Sunday Services: Sunday services held in the Manchester
centre (10.00-14.00H.) are of a Buddhist character.
- Buddhist library: (imminent) We welcome contributions
of Buddhist books and bookshelves with a view to setting up a library of Buddhist
books and media materials for public loan in the near(est) future.
- Thai language classes (aimed at UK-born Thai children
& British adults) are planned for Saturday lunchtimes throughout the academic
year. (call for details)
- International Exchange Programmes: The centre annually
sends members to join youth and meditation programmes in Thailand.