buffypics.jpg (3K)

This pic is to go on your wepage if you are a member of Buffy, Eh?

membufeh.jpg (16K) | Artist is Natalie

You can copy this pic to your site and use it, or just link to this pic with the following code:
<IMG SRC="https://members.tripod.com/~buffyeh/membufeh.jpg" WIDTH=242 HEIGHT=247>

If you would like to provide a link to our page on your site, you can use this pic.

ehbanner.jpg (11K) | Artist is Natalie

The code to to this is:
<A HREF="https://members.tripod.com/~buffyeh/">
<IMG SRC="https://members.tripod.com/~buffyeh/ehbanner.jpg" WIDTH=503 HEIGHT=94>


buffbanner2.jpg (19K) | Artist is Natalie

The code to to this is:
<A HREF="https://members.tripod.com/~buffyeh/">
<IMG SRC="https://members.tripod.com/~buffyeh/buffbanner2.jpg" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=150>

Remember that if you are linking to this site, to use https://members.tripod.com/~buffyeh/ as the link ;-)

I would like to use all pics sent to me, I just don't know where yet.

bufbedeh.jpg (20K) | Artist is Natalie buffyehwhite.jpg (19K) | Artist is Natalie
buffyeh2.jpg (12K) | Artist is Natalie buffyeh.jpg (21K) | Artist is Natalie
eh.jpg (12K) |  Artist is Anya
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Pictures are copyright © 1997, 98 The WB Television Network and are from the Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site.