
Here are a few of the interesting images from some of the places we've traveled as a family. Select from the list on the left or on the world map wherever there is a hotspot.

Travels and Info for some of the countries visited, look for hotspots - when the cursor becomes a hand...

Jordan The Dead Sea - well below sea level the horizon blended into the water... deadsea.jpg (3833 bytes) Jerash ruins, north of Amman, Jordan shaftoflightfeint.jpg (16701 bytes) Fruit market in the Jordan valley
Daddy, Daniel and the Jordanian guards Sharing a taxi near the Jordanian border daybreak.jpg (7967 bytes)

sheep.jpg (11474 bytes)

Saudi Arabia The Camel Races inland from Al Taif
Turkey The luke-warm waters of pamukale, biblical
Goa, India
UK workingonit.gif (185 bytes)
USA A beach scene, Treasure Is. Florida, USA Segulls from Statue of Liberty, towards Manhattan, before the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed - USA
Canada Niagra falls from Canadaian side   niagra2.jpg (77170 bytes) canadianrain.jpg (18384 bytes)
France workingonit.gif (185 bytes)
Germany workingonit.gif (185 bytes)
Austria workingonit.gif (185 bytes)
Switzerland workingonit.gif (185 bytes)
Holland You are now entering Doggie Doo Alley in a park north of Amsterdam
SE Asia Delicacy in the Thai food markets  bali.jpg (17499 bytes)

Last edited by webmaster: 07 Oct 1999 15:13:54 Russian Standard Time

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Last modified: 07 Oct 1999 15:13:54 Russian Standard Time
Go to Lindsay's Medain Saleh trip - see the ancient civilization of the Nabateans, follow where Lawrence of Arabia destroyed the Turk's railway Go to Ben's Wadi Al Lith trip - rock walled villages, forts, streams, camels, 4x4 Ben's Kruger National Park trip from South Africa Pakistan trip, 120k north of Islamabad to 300k south of Islamabad, 250k east of Kabul, wedding in Mian Wali and Sarghoda, the global village?
Medain Saleh
Wadi Al Lith
Baha-Taif trip
Kruger National Park
South Africa trip
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my wedding
in Pakistan
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