Welcome to Hay Self Poem

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Sequenced by Dick Anderson

Photo of Ethal as a Teen Ager

My sister when she was around 17 years old

My sister lives in Colorado.  Over the years they have went on many camping trips.  This border reminds me of a time when I went with them. My sister and I started singing.  Her oldest son and his new bride were there also.  When we realized we were embarrassing him, we kept on singing.  In fact most of the night. The next morning Daddy took a walk by the lake. When he returned to the campsite he said he felt so sorry for all the people out  fishing early, because they were not going to catch anything. He was sure our caterwauling had sent all the fish to the bottom for at least one day.


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Blank SpacerPhoto of Ethal at ChristmasBlank SpacerPhoto of Lorning at Christmas
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My sister and her husband

Our family circle has narrowed down to just my sister and me.  Momma, Daddy, and our dear  brother have left this earth for a better place. I wrote this poem about my sister many years ago. 


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Photo of Ethel in blue gown
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Hay Self !


My sister has a friend she calls self
"Now, Self, you know this has to be done, Just get to it." 
When something unpleasant faces her
"Hay, Self, you've said quite enough, Put a lid on it."
When she is tempted to give too much advice
"Look. Self, why sit here in self-pity You're not the only one."
When she feels down and lonely
"Wait, Self, don't break an arm patting Your own back."
If she feels better than thou


I used to think it was cute and funny I didn't understand
She knows her "Self" so well, she Never takes "Self" too seriously
She has a special quality very rare
Sometimes life is kind, sometimes cruel,
Sometimes easy, sometimes unfair
She uses each day as a new beginning Not a continued yesterday
She gives of herself to others
Keeping enough to balance the scales
This morning "Self" and I had a good talk
I can hear her say, "O.K., Self, you've done fair"


by Mary B.
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