Jose Legra

Titles: WBC featherweight champion 1968-1969, 1972-1973

Record: 133-12-4

Born: April 19, 1943 in Baracoa, Cuba

Years active: 1960-1973

Nickname:  None

No other world class pugilist in his era was as active as Legra, in 13 years he
fought in 148 fights against anyone willing to step into the ring with him. Born 
in Cuba Legra made a name for himself in Europe before he took to the world stage 
with his flashy style inside and out of the ring. In fact Legra was once labeled 
as "A pocket Cassius Clay" because of his foot work in the ring. While not as well 
known as his Cuban compatriot Kid Gavilan, Legra also employed the "bolo punch" 
to good effect and his long arms drove opponents nuts. Legra also carried a good 
if not deadly punch but preferred to out hustle his opponents, when needed Legra 
stood toe to toe. A point which came to light especially in title winning efforts 
where he knocked his opponents down 14 times, when it counted Legra could be 
vicious. While many of today's fighters get title shots after 2 or 3 years it 
took Legra 7 years to get a title shot and even then it was only for a European 
title. By the time Legra became a world champion he was past his prime and had 
the bad luck of having to battle hall of fame boxers in the first defense of his 
newly won titles. After his third year as a pro Legra moved his base of operations 
to Spain in 1963 when Fidel Castro outlawed professional boxing. Legra left behind 
his mother, father and seven brothers and sisters but always send back much needed 
money. It ended up being a very shrewd move as he went on to post 83 wins against 
only 1 defeat. This was his prime and it was capped of with a European title fight 
against Yves Desmarets to become the European champion. Legra qualified for the 
European crown when he took on Spanish citizenship. The fight itself was good for 
the first round but Legra quickly established his edge by keeping Yves on the 
outside and picking him apart, in the third Legra dropped a right hand in which 
stopped Desmarets cold. The one loss in the 84 bout span came against the very 
tough Howard Winstone whom Legra defeated in a rematch when it mattered for the 
WBC featherweight title. The second Winstone match came in Wales and saw Legra 
establish his jab and had Winstone backing into the ropes looking to lure Legra 
in. It did not work as Legra knocked him down twice in the first round and opened 
a cut over his left eye. Jose would stay at range and pot shot Winstone staying 
away from Howard's dangerous left hook. This went on for 5 rounds before Winstone 
was taken out in the 5th round. Legra lost the title in his very first defense in 
a surprise to Johnny Famechon. Legra broke his right thumb in the second round of 
the fight and some claim he pulled the fight out, pointing to the fact that Johnny
Famechon had been down on the canvas 11 times with all of them being ruled slips. 
The later success of Famechon on the world softened the blow a bit. Another loss 
to world class Vincente Saldivar seemed to put Legra out of the ranks of the world 
class. Still Legra fought on and did well on the European level awaiting another 
shot at any world crown. Legra again won the European crown when he defeated 
Tommaso Galli and he never lost that European featherweight title in the ring. In 
December of 1972 he got that shot against Clemente Sanchez. It was a one sided win 
for Legra in Monterey the hometown of Sanchez. Legra took the fight to Sanchez 
from the start and wore down his younger opponent for a 10th round stoppage. Legra 
not known as puncher managed to knock Sanchez down 12 times in that fight. Poor 
Legra had no luck when it came to title challengers and the legendary Eder Jofre 
was to be his first defense. It was not to be for Legra as Jofre had the skills to 
outbox any any era. That is what happened to Legra his old legs 
could not match the skills of the 7 year younger Eder Jofre, while his fists did 
do some damage it was not enough. In the third round Legra had Jofre hurt bad but 
could not finish the challenger. At the end a majority decision was given to Jofre 
and most thought it had been well earned as he was the aggressor through most of 
the fight.  Legra would only win one more bout in Argentina before hanging up the 
gloves. The end for Legra came at the hands of another future great Alexis Arguello 
as he was taken out in on brutal round. Not even his once fleet feet could save 
him any longer and Legra knew that this spelled the end of his career. 

Sam Langford

Career Record: 133 W, 12 L, 4 D (48 KO's)


     Jun 16  Pedro Pinera            Cuba                    W 4
     Aug 20  Jose Ramon Ferrer       Havana                  D 4


     Jan 7   Agustin Carmona         Havana                  L 8
     Apr 15  Angel Ray               Mexico City             KO by 3
             Indio Iguamo            Cuba                    KO 2
             Eugenio Gimenez         Cuba                    KO 3
             Huracan Diez            Cuba                    KO 3
             Baby Recio              Cuba                    KO 3
             Tomas Perez             Cuba                    W 6
             Tomas Martinez          Cuba                    W 6
             Julian Perez            Cuba                    W 6
             Julian Perez            Cuba                    W 8


             Indio Del Sur           Cuba                    W 8
             Luis Odio               Cuba                    W 8
             Raul Nunez              Cuba                    W 8
             Leopoldo Galvez         Cuba                    W 8
             Oribazo                 Cuba                    W 8
             Esteban Castillo        Cuba                    W 10
             Raimondo Pellegrini     Cuba                    W 8
             Vicente Nunez           Cuba                    W 10
             Miguel Oliva            Cuba                    W 8
             Pedro Soto              Cuba                    W 10
             Andres Perez            Cuba                    W 10


             Pedro Pinera            Cuba                    W 8
             Miguel Oliva            Cuba                    W 8
             Jimmy Escudero          Cuba                    W 10
             Juan Fernandez          Cuba                    W 10
             Enrique Yamuri          Cuba                    W 8
             Juan Fernandez          Cuba                    D 8
             Vicente Nunez           Cuba                    W 8
             Baby Luis               Cuba                    L 10
             Baby Luis               Cuba                    L 10
             Vicente Nunez           Cuba                    L 8
     Oct 26  Lazaro Ben Layachi      Madrid                  KO 6
     Nov 2   Baldomero Arroyo        Madrid                  W 8
     Dec 4   Luis Aisa               Barcelona               W 8
     Dec 12  Juan Aguilera           Barcelona               W 8


     Jan 11  Jose Luis Martinez      Madrid                  W 8
     Feb 5   Jose Luis Biescas       Barcelona               W 8
     Feb 15  Tony Alonso             Madrid                  W 8
     Feb 26  Jose Luis Beiscas       Bilbao, Spain           W 8
     Mar 14  Jose Luis Martinez      Bilbao, Spain           W 8
     Mar 31  Kid Tano                Santa Cruz, Spain       D 8
     May 7   Miguel Kimbo            Madrid                  W 8
     May 23  Kid Tano                Las Palmas, Spain       W 10
     Jul 2   Angel Rodriguez Aguado  Valencia, Spain         KO 1
     Jul 18  Rafael Gayo             La Corogne, Spain       W 8
     Aug 8   Miguel Kimbo            Valencia, Spain         W 10
     Aug 23  Kid Tano                Las Palmas, Spain       W 8
     Sep 5   Luis Aisa               Madrid                  W 10
     Sep 18  Vincenzo Pitardi        Madrid                  W 8
     Oct 10  Antoine Licausi         Madrid                  W 8
     Oct 31  Luis Aisa               Madrid                  W 8
     Nov 14  Jose Sanchez Merayo     Madrid                  KO 2
     Nov 26  Renato Galli            Barcelona               W 8
     Dec 4   Tony Alonso             Madrid                  W 8


     Jan 22  Juan Pinto              Madrid                  W 8
     Jan 30  Angel Neches            Bilbao, Spain           D 8
     Feb 26  Mario Sitri             Madrid                  W 8
     Mar 6   Domingo Cabrera         Santa Cruz, Spain       KO 6
     Mar 13  Miguel Kimbo            Santa Cruz, Spain       W 10
     Apr 2   Antonio Paiva           Madrid                  W 8
     Jun 2   Jose Dos Santos         Madrid                  W 10
     Jun 22  Howard Winstone         Blackpool, England      L 10
     Aug 17  Lope De Pablo           Madrid                  W 8
     Sep 5   Tritstano Tartarini     La Corogne, Spain       KO 1
     Sep 19  Juan Leon Barreto       St. Sebastian, Spain    KO 4
     Sep 25  Luis Segura             Valladoid, Spain        W 8
     Oct 30  Jose Bisbal             St. Sebastian, Spain    W 8
     Nov 12  Ramon Casal             Madrid                  W 8
     Nov 26  Manuel Calvo            Madrid                  W 10
     Dec 18  Manuel Calvo            Salamanca, Spain        W 8


     Jan 6   Juan Rodriguez          Almeria, Spain          W 8
     Feb 13  Cristobal Gomez         Almeria, Spain          W 8
     Mar 3   Antonio Paiva           Barcelona               KO 8
     Mar 17  Oye Turpin              Barcelona               KO 2
     Apr 2   Jesus Zarco             Santander, Spain        W 10
     Apr 15  Omar Oliva              Madrid                  W 8
     Apr 30  Cristobal Gomez         Malaga, Spain           W 8
     May 7   Dris Ben Ama            St. Sebastian, Spain    KO 5
     May 21  Angel Chinea            Mataro, Spain           W 8
     Jun 4   Luis Torcida            Santander, Spain        W 10
     Jul 9   Jose Gonzalez Riberio   Oviedo, Spain           KO 7
     Jul 29  Celmiro Rios            Barcelona               KO 3
     Aug 12  Vincenzo Pitardi        Madrid                  KO 5
     Aug 20  Tommy Thompson          St. Sebastian, Spain    KO 1
     Sep 2   Julio "Chico" Gonzalez  Madrid                  KO 7
     Oct 1   Raul Tejera             Gijon, Spain            KO 2
     Oct 16  Cristobal Gomez         Zaragoza, Spain         KO 2
     Oct 27  Roberto Marthon         Bilbao, Spain           KO 2
     Oct 29  Luis Segura             Zaragoza, Spain         KO 2
     Nov 12  Manuel Carvajal         Gijon, Spain            W 8
     Nov 24  Omar Oliva              Barcelona               KO 9
     Dec 2   Jean De Keers           Madrid                  KO 1
     Dec 23  Love Allotey            Madrid                  W 12


     Jan 7   Mohammed Laroussi       Las Palmas, Spain       KO 3
     Jan 14  Roger Younsy            Santa Cruz, Spain       W 10
     Jan 21  Julio Chico Gonzalez    Tenerife, Spain         W 10
     Feb 12  Salvator Gennatiempo    Malaga, Spain           KO 6
     Mar 10  Rafiu King              Madrid                  W 10
     Mar 18  Ameur Lamine            Valencia, Spain         W 10
     Apr 27  Ben Said Saouita        Barcelona               KO 1
     Jun 2   Maurice Tavant          Madrid                  W 10
     Jun 10  Paul Rouree             St. Sebastian, Spain    W 10
     Jun 24  Jose Luis Torcida       Leon, Spain             W 10
     Jun 30  Don Johnson             Madrid                  W 10
     Sep 2   Fernando Tavarez        Santa Cruz, Spain       KO 7
     Sep 30  Paul Rourre             Tenerife, Spain         W 10
     Nov 9   Yanclo                  Barcelona               KO 3
     Dec 22  Yves Desmarets          Madrid                  KO 3


     Feb 2   Ernesto Miranda         Bilbao, Spain           W 10
     Mar 14  Ernesto Miranda         Barcelona               KO 4
     Apr 25  Joe Tetteh              Barcelona               W 10
     May 10  Klaus Jacobi            Madrid                  KO 6
     Jun 16  Fernando Tavarez        Logrono, Spain          KO 2
     Jul 24  Howard Winstone         Porthcawl, Wales        KO 5
             (Wins WBC Featherweight Title)
     Oct 5   Bob Allotey             Bilbao, Spain           W 10
     Oct 28  Felix Said Brami        Paris                   KO 1


     Jan 21  Johnny Famechon         London                  L 15
             (Loses WBC Featherweight Title)
     May 31  Vicente Pina            Madrid                  KO 4
     Jun 14  Domencio Scalco         Madrid                  KO 1
     Oct 25  Rey Miller              Madrid                  KO 2
     Nov 17  Vicente Saldivar        Inglewood, CA           L 10
     Dec 11  Miguel Herrera          Barcelona               KO 2


     Feb 5   Evan Armstrong          Barcelona               W 10
     Mar 5   Jimmy Bell              Barcelona               W 10
     Apr 11  Rolf Kestern            Santa Cruz, Spain       KO 1
     May 23  Domencio Chiloiro       Madrid                  KO 7
     Jun 26  Tommaso Galli           Madrid                  W 15
     Oct 24  Ugo Poli                Madrid                  W 10
     Nov 14  Bruno Melissano         Madrid                  W 10
     Dec 12  Abel Almarez            Santa Cruz, Spain       KO 4
     Dec 26  Renato Galli            Alicante, Spain         W 10


     Jan 25  Jimmy Revie             London                  W 15
     Apr 15  Marius Cordier          Barcelona               KO 3
     May 8   David Pesenti           Bilbao, Spain           KO 8
     May 21  Tahar Ben Hassen        Madrid                  KO by 4
     Aug 14  Giovanni Girgenti       Alicante, Spain         KO 9
     Aug 26  Marius Cordier          Alicante, Spain         KO 3


     Jan 15  Abdesselem Ben Salah    Alicante, Spain         KO 1
     Feb 15  Evan Armstrong          London                  W 15
     May 17  Tommy Glencross         Birmingham, England     W 15
     Jun 21  Jonathan Dele           Barcelona               L 10
     Oct 6   Daniel Vermandere       Madrid                  W 15
     Dec 16  Clemente Sanchez        Monterrey, Mexico       KO 10
             (Wins WBC and World Featherweight Titles)


     May 5   Eder Jofre              Brasilia, Brazil        L 15
             (Loses World Featherweight Title)
     Aug 1   Jimmy Bell              Palma de Majorque, Arg. W 10
     Nov 24  Alexis Arguello         Managua, Nicaragua      KO by 1