Music Stuff
Music Stuff
- Music Banter
- How I feel about the performance, the audience factor, personal musical passion.
- A Tidbit About Myself
- The saga/melodrama of my competitions past and present, a bit about what I plan on
doing with myself for the next two years of college.
- Glenn Gould WorshipPage
- A small tribute to the eccentric, solitary genius that is Glenn Gould.
- "Perfect" Pitch
- The start of a page devoted to the discussion of what it is, what it feels like to have it.
- Santa Ana Choir Goes to USC
- The mystical story of a group's journey to foreign lands through the course of a night.
- The Piano, etc., according to Kim
- The semi-detailed chronology of the teachers I've had up to date
- Concert Pictures[new!]
- Pictures from this past spring's performance by the Santa Ana
College Concert and Chamber Choirs taken in little Phillips Hall.