Dendy Photos

OK, I didn't take any of these photos, I just scanned them. And wrote the captions. All photos by Karen Weisser, except the one's that she's in, which I guess were taken by whoever was in the vicinity at the time. Enjoy :)

Karen and Calindy at Calindy's house before leaving for the Dendy

Michael Harris and poor dead Kenny

Pete and a beer

Mel, Lyndon and baby Luke

Mick Grondahl out of focus? Or maybe it's just Mark :)

Michael(another of many :), Amanda and Michael Freund

Pete, Audrey, Marcus and the infamous Muz (IdietHed)

Karen, Calindy and Yvonne

Marcus and Michael pre-singalong

Michael plays Jeff for us all

....and again.....

Luke sings 'What Will You Say' while Michael accompanies

Dan and Michael jamming

Marcus and Michael getting on well at Baron's, Kings Cross :)

Marcus, and Michael wishing he was somewhere else at Baron's

Having escaped Marcus, Michael attempts to chat up Rohan... to no avail :)