this site shows some examples of larry's art, especially computer images, photographs, paintings, and some of the sculpture he creates. the work dates back to the mid 90ies.
the other website *calkinsART gallery* features new and available pieces. click the links below to get to the beginning of each section. any of the words
underlined will link you up with a new page of images.
(hint: to get rid of the annoying pop-up boxes, click on the main window. it will
then cover the pop-up window.)
we hope you'll enjoy your visit ..... sabine
a i n t i n g s and s c u l p t u r e
an overview
o m p u t e r - a r t
created in 1997/98
F E A T U R E S ~~~~~~~
**1998: art WORK** sculpture & paintings 97/98
show at American Primitive Gallery, New York
ghost walk" -- photos
of exhibit
at g.gibson gallery, seattle, in may 2000
photographic images: clem road chronicles
background info
visit: making art
* available*
and paintings
the calkinsART
gallery click
gallery website introduces larry's new and available art work.
collection of v
i n t a g e p h o t o g r a p h s
(click for thumbnails)
last updated: october 1, 2000
if you have comments or suggestions about the site please send email to sabine
web site created by sabine calkins. 11/1997
copyright larry and sabine calkins, 1997/98/99/2000