(40) In Vitro Testing

In Vitro International: A provider of contract laboratory services and products to study drug-human interactions in vitro. It is located in Baltimore,Maryland.(Current)
FDA Guidance For Industry-In Vitro Tests: FDA guidance in the manufacture and clinical evaluation of in vitro tests (7/9/98)
Chemosensitivity Testing: Testing a patient's own cancer cells in the laboratory to drugs that may be used to treat the patient's cancer and identify which ones will work. (Current)
In Vitro Toxicology Group: A list of 5 companies websites that provide in vitro testing services (Current)
Oncotech: A cancer testing laboratory that helps improve the selection of therapy for each patient,with in vitro testing.Located in Irvine,California. (Current)
Haemoscope Corporation: Since the TEG analyzer monitors the interaction of the plasma and cellular components of whole blood in the process of clotting and lysis,it lends itself to in vitro testing. (Current)
CorpTech : A database that collects primary information on over 50,000 hi-tech manufactures and developers. (Current)