Assisted Suicide Legal In California?!!

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  • Currently Oregon is the only place in the world where physician-assisted dying is legal.

  • The U.S. Supreme Court carefully and unequivocally stated its preference that each state decide on its own whether or not to enact physician-assisted dying legislation.

  • In 1999, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a former pathologist from Michigan, was convicted of second degree murder for the killing of Mr. Youk, a 52 year old who had Lou Gehrig's disease.

    On September 17, 1998, Kevorkian gave Mr. Youk three injections. One to put him to sleep; One to stop his breathing; And one to stop his heart. He videotaped the whole process and sent it to the CBS show 60 Minutes.
    Kevorkian was sentenced to state prison for 10-25 years.

  • The California State Assembly Appropriations Committee will soon be voting on AB1592.

    If passed, this will allow physician-assisted suicide in California. This "Death with dignity act" was passed by a sub-committe on 4-20-99. These death mongers passed it narrowly, (8 to 7) with a one vote victory. Now the Approprations Committee will address this bill starting on 5-12-99.

  • Here is who voted for and against it on 4-20-99:

    Yes: Kuehl, Knox, Steinberg, Aroner, Longville, Bock, Wiggins, and Jackson.

    No: Ackerman, Corbett, House, McClintock, Robert Pacheco, and Shelly Strickland.

  • To read the status, history, bill text, and analyses of AB1592 CLICK HERE and then type in AB1592 in the appropriate box

  • If this law is passed, a terminally ill person, after a 15 day waiting period, will be able to acquire a prescription of death!!


    American Nurses Association of California
    California Medical Association
    California Society of Anesthesiologists
    California State Hospice Association
    Paul Longmore, associate professor at San Francisco State University


    1. Prior legislation AB1080 and AB1310 of 1995 were not even brought to a hearing in the Assembly Judiciary Committee.
    2. Propostion 161, which would've allowed either administration of lethal medications by a doctor or a self-administration by the patient, was rejected by the California voters in the General Election held November 3, 1992.

      Terminally ill patients who want to die may already refuse treatment, but may not request medication to hasten their death.

      California law , for over a decade, has allowed a patient to request withholding or withdrawl of all life support. (Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care)


      "The controversy before us is one that may touch more people more profoundly than any other issue the courts will face in the foreseeable future" Judge Stephen Reinhardt

      ...the patient also chooses a treatment that is uniformly fatal" David Orentlicher, MD JD of the Indiana University School of Law

      "Legalizing physician-assisted suicide would allow insurance companies and public programs (Medicare and Medicaid) to appear "comassionate" while they cut back or eliminate coverage for the health and support services that can make for a good quality of life...even in illness. Legalization is likely to reduce access to the very things that might give a seriously ill or disabled person desire to continue living." Laura Remson Mitchell, "Red Flag on The Slippery Slope". LATimes p.89 2-2-98


      Some physicians feared that patients who were miorities, poor, or uneducated would more likely be coerced into choosing physician-assisted suicide.Terminally-ill persons would feel pressured, either internally or through external forces (family members or health care systems)

      The author of this new bill is Dion Louise Aroner - 14th Assembly District (Berkeley/Oakland area). She is a former social worker, and one of her duties in the assembly is overseeing services for the disabled and elderly!!! YIKES!!


      I personally feel that if this issue must be voted on again, then the people should vote on it (by the way..we already did, in 1992. It failed!), not just the California assembly. But since they are going to vote on it this year, let your local Rep. know how you feel about this creepy, pending law!!

      Here is the link to all the California State Senators! You can reach most of them by e-mail. And their phone numbers and addresses are all listed also, in case you want to circulate a petition among your friends. Just enter this page, click on "my district" and it will list your assemblyperson!.Click Here To E-mail your assembly person

      Sign the guestbook below.

      By the way...If you are for this creepy immoral bill, I will delete your entry from the guestbook. Not because I am against debate, but because this is simply an effort to defeat this law. This is a time when Christians and moral people of all faiths must speak up. Thank you for your time, and have a great day!

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